IntroductionI. British and Colonial PatternsOne. Colonial Theory: Established Churches1. The Statute of Charitable Uses, 16012. The Elizabethan Poor Law, 16013. Report to the Viceroy of Mexico on Conditions at Santa Fe, 16014. A Model of Christian Charity, 16305. Virginia General Assembly, Laws Regulating Conduct and Religion, 16426. New England's First Fruits, 16437. Account of the Ceremony Proclaiming New France, 1671Two. Colonial Reality: Religious Diversity8. Remonstrance against the Law against Quakers, 16579. Virginia's Cure, 166210. The Great Case of Liberty of Conscience, 167011. Essays to Do Good, 171012. Argument against Anglican Control of King's College (Columbia), 175313. Journal of the Carolina Backcountry, 1767-6814. Recollections of Institution-Building, 1771-84II. The American Revolution: Sources of the Nonprofit SectorThree. To the Constitution: Limited Government and Disestablishment15. Cato's Letters: Arguments against a Strong Central Government, 172016. Argument against Taxes for Religious Purposes in Massachusetts, 177417. Virginia Act Establishing Religious Freedom, 178618. The Federalist, No. 10, 178719. The Constitution of the United States, excerpts, 1789, and The First and Tenth Amendments, 1791Four. Voluntarism under the Constitution20. Autobiographical Statement on the 1818 Disestablishment of the "Standing Order" in Connecticut, 186421. The Dartmouth College Case, 1818 and 181922. Political Associations in the United States, 1835, and Of the Use Which Americans Make of Public Associations in Civil Society, 1840III. Uses of Nonprofit OrganizationsFive. Varieties of Religious Nonprofits23. Organized Activity among Slaves, 1849 and 1839 24. The Voluntary Principle in American Christianity, 184425. Institutions, Autonomy, and National Networks, 198226. Social Catholicism, 197527. The Jewish Tradition of Community, 1970Six. Nonprofit Organizations as Alternative Power Structures28. Women Together: Organizations in Antebellum Petersburg, Virginia, 198429. Parallel Power Structures: Women and the Voluntary Sphere, 199030. Cooperation among Negro Americans, 1907IV. Nonprofit Structures for the Twentieth CenturySeven. Science, Professionalism, Foundations, Federations31. Debate over Government Subsidies, 1908 and 190032. Business at the Bedside: Health Care in Brooklyn, 1890-1915, 197933. Address on the Tenth Anniversary of the Rockefeller Institute, 191134. Community Foundations: The Delicate Question of Purpose, 198935. Community Chest, 195736. The March of Dimes: Origins and Prospects, 1957Eight. Federal Regulation and Federal Funds37. Pierce v. Society of the Sisters, 192538. Debate over a Nonprofit Organization in Mississippi, 196739. The Filer Commission, The Third Sector, 197440. The Political Economy of Nonprofit Revenues, 199341. Rust v. Sullivan, 1991Index
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