[A]ny one looking for an authoritative account of 1948... should go straight to this book.
- Yezi Sayigh, Middle East International,
Pappé has added significantly to our understanding of a formative period in the making of the Arab-Israeli conflict
- Avi Shlaim, London Review of Books,
This is an important book and especially relevant to the current process of Arab Israeli negotiations
- Leonard Goren, International Affairs,
The value of Pappe's work lies not only in his well-documented rebutall of much traditional Israeli, and Arab, historiography, but also in his contribution to our understanding of how international efforts to resolve conflicts can fail, because of the politics of international power struggles in bodies like the United Nations, its committees and commissions.
- Rosemary Hollis, Asian Affairs,
The argument presented by Pappe is as simple as it is powerful.
- Ilan Peleg, International Journal of Middle East Studies,
Pappe makes a special effort to provide an objective account of what happened in those crucial years. The period has been painstakingly researched and the arguments of the conflicting sides are presented in the way that they would have argued them themselves [...] This is an important book
- Leonard Geron, International Affairs,
Ilan Pappe manages to confer considerable freshness and topicality on this seemingly exhausted topic.
- Nissim Rejwan, The Jerusalem Post Magazine,