A <i>Choice</i> Outstanding Academic Title, 2014.<br /><br /> "<i>Loyalty and Liberty</i> is an impressive piece of scholarship that would be a valuable resource for anyone teaching this period in American history." --<i>The History Teacher</i>
"The structure of the book suggests an important and unrecognized historical role for the interwar periods. There are lessons to be learned in <i>Loyalty and Liberty</i>."--<i>The Journal of American History</i>
"Alex Goodall's <i>Loyalty and Liberty</i> treats antiradicalism and antifascism as political movements, not psychological phenomena, and his close study of interwar counter subversive campaigns shows that their history is more faltering than standard accounts suggest… Goodall's sparkling prose and sharp observations make this book an essential read for scholars of modern American politics."--<i>Journal of American Studies</i> <br />
"By tracing the ebb and flow of the various countersubversive campaigns over three decades, Goodall makes an important contribution to the existing literature that has tended to focus on either the Red Scare of 1919-1920, the "little red scare" of 1939-1940, or McCarthyism of the late 1940s and early 1950s. . . . offers some fresh insights that should be part of the conversation in this expanding field."--<i>Labour/Le Travail</i>
"Goodall's exceptional study will be welcomed by a wide variety of historians and political scientists. It breaks new ground as the first comprehensive account of pre-McCarthy politics. Highly Recommended."--<i>Choice</i>
"Goodall's longer view of countersubversion bears fruit in the relationships and transitions it highlights, in its transformation of the familiar series of episodic pictures into a narrative of ebb and flow in which lingering traces of failure shaped how subsequent efforts played out."--<i>American Historical Review</i>
"<i>Loyalty and Liberty</i> appears at a most appropriate moment. With remarkable richness, the book covers great political, social, and cultural territory, and Goodall puts some familiar people, incidents, and institutions in a new and revealing light. Its sophistication and scope put it head and shoulders above many local and regional studies of anticommunism."--Nelson Lichtenstein, author of <i>State of the Union: A Century of American Labor</i>
"This thoroughly researched, crisply written study adds to our historical understanding of subversion and countersubversion--the dance of radicalism and antiradicalism that has so dramatically shaped modern American politics--in an era before McCarthyism and the Cold War. This is a book that will have a notable and stimulating impact on the field of twentieth-century U.S. history."--Michael Kimmage, author of <i>In History's Grip: Philip Roth's Newark Trilogy</i>