<p>“Encyclopedic in scope, with exhaustive bibliographies to back up every chapter, the volume has something for everyone and anyone with an interest in the modern history and evolution of mathematical instruction.” (Judith Goodstein, The Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 46 (2), June, 2024)</p>
<p>“This book is essential for anyone interested in the history and pedagogy of mathematics from an international perspective, a book for reading and browsing and a rich resource for those seeking reliable information about important personalities and events in the history of ICMI over the past century.” (Dirk De Bock, Educational Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 115 (3), 2024)</p>
<p>“In The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction, 1908–2008: people, events and challenges in Mathematics education, Fulvia Furinghetti and Livia Giacardi lead a voluminous and highly documented history of ICMI (International Commission on Mathematical Instruction), the first large-scale international organization to bring together questions and actors in mathematical education. ... My genuine enthusiasm for this book, which is both precise, extensively documented, and synthetic ... .” (Thomas Preveraud, Historia Mathematica, March 16, 2024)</p>
<p>“The book is a testament to the thousands of hours invested by the editors to record and share the history of ICMI with anyone who has an interest in mathematics education. Its focus on primary sources and data nicely complements the varied perspectives found in The First Century. Thus, it is worth acquiring by any college or university library with a mathematics education program and by historians of mathematics education.” (Amy Ackerberg-Hastings, MAA Reviews, July 15, 2023)</p>
Biographical note
Fulvia Furinghetti is a retired professor of mathematics education at the University of Genoa (Italy). Her research concerns mathematics education (computer science in mathematics teaching, proof, beliefs, teacher education, history in mathematics teaching, and public image of mathematics) and the history of mathematics education. She was one of the organizers of the celebrations of the Centenary of the journal L’Enseignement Mathématique in 2000 and the Centenary of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) in 2008. In both cases, she was one of the editors of the proceedings. With Livia Giacardi, she has developed a website on the history of the first hundred years of ICMI. In 2001-2004 she chaired the International Study Group on History and Pedagogy of Mathematics (HPM) affiliated to ICMI.
Livia Giacardi is a full professor of History of Mathematics at the University of Turin. Her research focuses on the history of mathematics – in particular on the history of geometry in Italy in the 19th and 20th centuries – and on the history of mathematics education. She has been the Secretary of the Italian Society for the History of Mathematics (2000-2008), and a member of the Council (2000-2017); a member of the Italian Commission for Mathematics Teaching (2003-2012); and a member of the IPC of the Symposium on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of ICMI (2008) and was one of the editors of the proceedings. With Fulvia Furinghetti, she has developed a website on the history of the first hundred years of ICMI.