<p><strong>‘A must-read for those interested in new thinking in the world's most complex and challenged great power.’</strong><i> — Stephen Philip Cohen</i></p><p>‘An up-to-date, serious and thoughtful treatment of a very vital subject for all who care about India.’ <i>— Meghnad Desai</i></p><p>‘Bajpai, Basit and Krishnappa map a terrain that has been barely explored. There is no better introduction to understanding India's grand strategy.’<i> — C. Raja Mohan</i></p><p>‘A decisive refutation of the thesis that India lacks — or has not reflected on — grand strategy. No scholar of Indian national security can afford not to engage [with] it.’<i> — Ashley J. Tellis</i></p><p>‘A valuable introduction to an emerging literature on how India views its [economic] rise and what it means for the world<i>.</i>’<i> — Sanjaya Baru</i></p>