'Michael Lobban has produced an extraordinary work of forensic history-reconstructing a wide range of legal practices spanning the breadth of English dominion throughout Africa over two centuries. His book stands as a 'truth commission' for past wrongs and an essential precursor to any possible reconciliation.' Richard Abel, author of Law's Wars and Law's Trials
'Original and meticulously researched, Lobban's book places the legal politics of detention at the heart of histories of rebellion, protectorates, and martial law. A valuable addition to the legal history of Africa and the British Empire.' Lauren Benton, Barton M. Biggs Professor of History and Professor of Law, Yale University
'Michael Lobban is the leading historian of English legal thought. Here he brings his formidable talents to bear on law's role in facilitating and regulating detention without trial in Britain's African colonies. This is at once an important contribution to history, to legal theory, and to our understanding of empire.' David Dyzenhaus, University Professor of Law and Philosophy, Toronto
'The author of this book deserves credit for producing a work of such ambition and scope.' Thomas Mohr, Irish Jurist
'Recommended.' M. M. Heaton, Choice
'Lobban concludes his readable and comprehensive account of the various regions by clearly emphasizing one overarching element: namely, that the assertion of British power and the elimination of any opposing structures or persons took precedence over compliance with the spirit of the common law and the principles of the rule of law.' Winner Ijeoma, Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History