Edward Gibbon's six-volume History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776-88) is among the most magnificent and ambitious narratives in European literature. Its subject is the fate of one of the world's greatest civilizations over thirteen centuries - its rulers, wars and society, and the events that led to its disastrous collapse. Here, in volumes three and four, Gibbon vividly recounts the waves of barbarian invaders under commanders such as Alaric and Attila, who overran and eventually destroyed the West. He then turns his gaze to events in the East, where even the achievements of the Byzantine emperor Justinian and the campaigns of the brilliant military leader Belisarius could not conceal the fundamental weaknesses of their empire.
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Gibbon's "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" (the second and third volumes were originally published in 1781), is one of the most famous texts in the English language. David Womersley's annotated edition returns to manuscript and original sources.
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The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Volume IIChapter XXVIIDeath of Gratian—Ruin of Arianism.—St. Ambrose.—First civil War againt Maximus.—Character, Administration and Pennance of Theodosius.—Death of Valentinian II.—Second civil War, againt Eugenius.—Death of Theodosius.A.D.379-383. Character and Conduct of the Emperor Gratian. His Defects383 Discontent of the Roman Troops. Revolt of Maximus in Britain. Flight and Death of Gratian383-387. Treaty of Peace between Maximus and Theodosius380 Baptism and orthodox Edicts of Theodosius340-380. Arianism of Constantinople378 Gregory Nazianzen accepts the mission of Constantinople380 Ruin of Arianism at Constantinople381 In the East. The Council of Constantinople. Retreat of Gregory Nazianzen380-394. Edicts of Theodosius against the Heretics385 Execution of Priscillian and his Associates375-397. Ambrose, Archbishop of Milan385 His successful Opposition to the Empress Justina387 Maximus invades Italy. Flight of Valentinian. Theodosius takes Arms in the Cause of Valentinian388 Defeat and Death of Maximus. Virtues of Theodosius. Faults of Theodosius387 The Sedition of Antioch. Clemency of Theodosius390 Sedition and Massacre of Thessalonica388 Influence and Conduct of Ambrose390 Pennance of Theodosius388-391. Generosity of Theodosius391 Character of Valentinian392 His Death392-394. Usurpation of Eugenius. Theodosius prepares for War394 His Victory over Eugenius395 Death of Theodosius. Corruption of the Times. The Infantry lay aside their ArmourChapter XXVIIFinal Destruction of Paganism.—Introduction of the Worship of Saints, and Relics, among the Christians.A.D.378-395. The Destruction of the Pagan Religion. State of Paganism at Rome.384 Petition of the Senate for the Altar of Victory388 Conversion of Rome381 Destruction of the Temples in the Provinces. The Temple of Serapis at Alexandria389 Its final Destruction390 The Pagan Religion is prohibited. Oppressed390-420. Finally extinguished. The Worship of the Christian Martyrs. General ReflectionsI. Fabulous Martyrs and RelicsII. MiraclesIII. Revival of PolytheismIV. Introduction of Pagan CeremoniesChapter XXIXFinal Division of the Roman Empire between the Sons of Theodosius—Reign of Arcadius and Honorius—Administration of Rufinus and Stilicho.—Revolt and Defeat of Gildo in Africa.A.D.395 Division of the Empire between Arcadius and Honorius386-395. Character and Administration of Rufinus395 He oppresses the East. He is disappointed, by the Marriage of Arcadius. Character of Stilicho, the Minister, and General of the Western Empire385-408. His Military Command395 The Fall and Death of Rufinus396 Discord of the two Empires386-398. Revolt of Gildo in Africa397 He is condemned by the Roman Senate398 The African War398 Defeat and Death of Gildo398 Marriage, and Character of HonoriusChapter XXXRevolt of the Goths.—They plunder Greece. Two great Invasions of Italy by Alaric and Radagaisus.—They are repulsed by Stilicho.—The Germans over-run Gaul.—Usurpation of Constantine in the West.—Disgrace and Death of Stilicho.A.D.395 Revolt of the Goths396 Alaric marches into Greece397 He is attacked by Stilicho. Escapes to Epirus398 Alaric is declared Master-general of the eastern Illyricum. Is proclaimed King of the Visigoths400-403. He invades Italy403 Honorius flies from Milan. He is pursued and besieged by the Goths. Battle of Pollentia. Boldness and Retreat of Alaric404 The Triumph of Honorius at Rome. The Gladiators abolished. Honorius fixes his Residence at Ravenna400 The Revolutions of Scythia405 Emigration of the northern Germans406 Radagaisus invades Italy. Besieges Florence. Threatens Rome. Defeat and Destruction of his Army by Stilicho. The Remainder of the Germans invade Gaul407 Desolation of Gaul. Revolt of the British Army. Constantine is acknowledged in Britain and Gaul408 He reduces Spain404-408. Negociation of Alaric and Stilicho408 Debates of the Roman Senate. Intrigues of the Palace. Disgrace and Death of Stilicho. His Memory persecuted. The Poet Claudian among the Train of Stilicho's DependentsChapter XXXIInvasion of Italy by Alaric.—Manners of the Roman Senate and People.—Rome is thrice besieged, and at length pillaged by the Goths.—Death of Alaric.—The Goths evacuate Italy.—Fall of Constantine.—Gaul and Spain are occupied by the Barbarians.—Independence of Britain.A.D.408 Weakness of the Court of Ravenna. Alaric marches to Rome. Hannibal at the Gates of Rome. Genealogy of the Senators. The Anician Family. Wealth of the Roman Nobles. Their Manners. Character of the Roman Nobles, by Ammianus Marcellinus. State and Character of the People of Rome. Public Distribution of Bread, Bacon, Oil, Wine, &c. Use of the public Baths. Games and Spectacles. Populousness of Rome. First Siege of Rome by the Goths. Famine. Plague. Superstition409 Alaric accepts a Ransom, and raises the Siege. Fruitless Negociations for Peace. Change and Succession of Ministers. Second Siege of Rome by the Goths. Attalus is created Emperor by the Goths and Romans410 He is degraded by Alaric. Third Siege and Sack of Rome by the Goths. Respect of the Goths for the Christian Religion. Pillage and Fire of Rome. Captives and Fugitives. Sack of Rome by the Troops of Charles V. Alaric evacuates Rome and ravages Italy408-412. Possession of Italy by the Goths410 Death of Alaric412 Adolphus, King of the Goths, concludes a Peace with the Empire, and marches into Gaul414 His Marriage with Placidia. The Gothic Treasures410-417. Laws for the Relief of Italy and Rome413 Revolt and Defeat of Heraclian, Count of Africa409-413. Revolutions of Gaul and Spain. Character and Victories of the General Constantius411 Death of the Usurper Constantine411-416. Fall of the Usurpers, Jovinus, Sebastian, and Attalus409 Invasion of Spain by the Suevi, Vandals, Alani, &c.414 Adolphus, King of Goths, marches into Spain415 His Death415-418. The Goths conquer and restore Spain419 Their Establishment in Aquitain. The Burgundians420, &c. State of the Barbarians in Gaul409 Revolt of Britain and Armorica409-449. State of Britain418 Assembly of the Seven Provinces of GaulChapter XXXIIArcadius Emperor of the East.—Administration and Disgrace of Eutropius.—Revolt of Gainas.—Persecution of St. John Chrysostom.—Theodosius II. Emperor of the East.—His Sister Pulcheria.—His Wife Eudocia.—The Persian War, and Division of Armenia.A.D.395-1453. The Empire of the East395-408. Reign of Arcadius395-399. Administration and Character of Eutropius. His Venality and Injustice. Ruin of Abundantius. Destruction of Timasius397 A cruel and unjust Law of Treason399 Rebellion of Tribigild. Fall of Eutropius400 Conspiracy and Fall of Gainas398 Election and Merit of St. John Chrysostom398-403. His Administration and Defects403 Chrysostom is persecuted by the Empress Eudocia. Popular Tumults at Constantinople404 Exile of Chrysostom407 His Death438 His Relics transported to Constantinople408 Death of Arcadius. His supposed Testament408-415. Administration of Anthemius414-453. Character and Administration of Pulcheria. Education and Character of Theodosius the Younger421-460. Character and Adventures of the Empress Eudocia422 The Persian War431-440. Armenia divided between the Persians and the RomansChapter XXXIIIDeath of Honorius.—Valentinian III. Emperor of the West.—Administration of his Mother Placidia.—Ætius and Boniface.—Conquest of Africa by the Vandals.A.D.423 Last Years and Death of Honorius423-425. Elevation and Fall of the Usurper John425-455. Valentinian III. Emperor of the West425-450. Administration of his Mother Placidia. Her two Generals, #&198;tius and Boniface427 Error and Revolt of Boniface in Africa428 He invites the Vandals. Genseric king of the Vandals429 He lands in Africa. Reviews his Army. The Moors. The Donatists430 Tardy Repentance of Boniface. Desolation of Africa. Siege of Hippo. Death of St. Augustin431 Defeat and Retreat of Boniface432 His Death431-439. Progress of the Vandals in Africa439 They surprise Carthage. African Exiles and Captives. Fable of the Seven SleepersChapter XXXIVThe Character, Conquests, and Court of Attila, King of the Huns.—Death of Theodosius the Younger.—Elevation of Marcian to the Empire of the East.A.D.376-433. The Huns. Their Establishment in modern Hungary433-453. Reign of Attila. His Figure and Character. He discovers the Sword of Mars. Acquires the Empire of Scythia and Germany430-440. The Huns invade Persia441, &c. They attack the Eastern Empire. Ravage Europe, as far as Constantinople. The Scythian, or Tartar Wars. State of the Captives446 Treaty of Peace between Attila, and the Eastern Empire. Spirit of the Azimuntines. Embassies from Attila to Constantinople448 The Embassy of Maximin to Attila. The royal Village and Palace. The Behaviour of Attila to the Roman Ambassadors. The royal Feasts. Conspiracy of the Romans against the Life of Attila. He reprimands, and forgives the Emperor450 Theodosius the Younger dies. Is succeeded by MarcianChapter XXXVInvasion of Gaul by Attila.—He is repulsed by Ætius and the Visigoths.—Attila invades and evacuates Italy.—The Deaths of Attila, Ætius, and Valentinian the ThirdA.D.450 Attila threatens both Empires, and prepares to invade Gaul433-454. Character and Administration of Ætius. His Connection with the Huns and Alani419-451. The Visigoths in Gaul under the Reign of Theodoric435-439. The Goths besiege Narbonne, &c.420-451. The Franks in Gaul under the Merovingian Kings. The Adventures of the Princess Honoria451 Attila invades Gaul and besieges Orleans. Alliance of the Romans and Visigoths. Attila retires to the Plains of Champagne. Battle of Châlons. Retreat of Attila452 Invasion of Italy by Attila. Foundation of the Republic of Venice. Attila gives Peace to the Romans453 The Death of Attila. Destruction of his Empire454 Valentinian murders the Patrician Ætius. ravishes the Wife of Maximus455 Death of Valentinian. Symptoms of the Decay and Ruin of the Roman GovernmentChapter XXXVISack of Rome by Genseric, King of the Vandals.—His naval Depredations.—Succession of the last Emperors of the West, Maximus, Avitus, Majorian, Severus, Anthemius, Olybrius, Glycerius, Nepos, Augustulus.—Total Extinction of the Western Empire.—Reign of Odoacer, the first Barbarian King of Italy.A.D.439-445. Naval Power of the Vandals455 The Character and Reign of the Emperor Maximus. His Death. Sack of Rome by the Vandals. The Emperor Avitus453-466. Character of Theodoric, King of the Visigoths456 His Expedition into Spain. Avitus is deposed457 Character and Elevation of Majorian457-461. His Salutary Laws. The Edifices of Rome457 Majorian prepares to invade Africa. The Loss of his Fleet461 His Death461-467. Ricimer reigns under the Name of Severus. Revolt of Marcellinus in Dalmatia. of Ætius, in Gaul361-467. Naval War of the Vandals462, &C. Negocations with the Eastern Empire457-474. Leo, Emperor of the East467-472. Anthemius, Emperor of the West. The Festival of the Lupercalia468 Preparations against the Vandals of Africa. Failure of the Expedition462-472. Conquests of the Visigoths in Spain and Gaul468 Trial of Arvandus471 Discord of Anthemius and Ricimer472 Olybrius, Emperor of the West. Sack of Rome, and Death of Anthemius. Death of Ricimer. of Olybrius472-475. Julius Nepos and Glycerius, Emperors of the West475 The Patrician Orestes476 His Son Augustulus, the last Emperor of the West476-490. Odoacer, King of Italy476 or 479. Extinction of the Western Empire. Augustus is banished to the Lucullan Villa. Decay of the Roman Spirit476-490. Character and Reign of Odoacer. Miserable State of ItalyChapter XXXVIIOrigin, Progress, and Effects of the monastic Life.—Conversion of the Barbarians to Christianity and Arianism.—Persecution of the Vandals in Africa.—Extinction of Arianism among the Barbarians.A.D.I. Institution of the Monastic LifeOrigin of the Monks305 Antony, and the Monks of Egypt341 Propagation of the monastic Life at Rome328 Hilarion in Palestine360 Basil in Pontus370 Martin in Gaul. Causes of the rapid Progress of the monastic Life. Obedience of the Monks. Their Dress and Habitations. Their Diet. Their manual Labour. Their Riches. Their Solitude. Their Devotion and Visions. The Coenobites and Anachorets395-451. Simeon Stylites. Miracles and Worship of the Monks. Superstition of the AgeII. Conversion of the Barbarians360, &c. Ulphilas, Apostle of the Goths400, &c.The Goths, Vandals, Burgundians, &c. embrace Christianity. Motives of their Faith. Effects of their Conversion. They are involved in the Arian Heresy. General Toleration. Arian Persecution of the Vandals429-477. Genseric477 Hunneric484 Gundamund496 Thorismund523 Hilderic530 Gelimer. A general View of the Persecution in Africa. Catholic Frauds. Miracles500-700. The Ruin of Arianism among the Barbarians577-584. Revolt and Martyrdom of Hermenegild in Spain586-589. Conversion of Recared and the Visigoths of Spain600, &c. Conversion of the Lombards of Italy612-712. Persecution of the Jews in Spain. ConclusionChapter XXXVIIIReign and Conversion of Clovis.—His Victories over the Alemanni, Burgundians, and Visigoths.—Establishment of the French Monarchy in Gaul.—Laws of the Barbarians.—State of the Romans.—The Visigoths of Spain.—Conquest of Britain by the Saxons.A.D.The Revolution of Gaul476-485. Euric, King of the Visigoths481-511. Clovis, King of the Franks486 His Victory over Syagrius496 Defeat and Submission of the Alemanni. Conversion of Clovis497, &c. Submission of the Armoricans and the Roman Troops499 The Burgundian War500 Victory of Clovis532 Final Conquest of Burgundy by the Franks507 The Gothic War. Victory of Clovis508 Conquest of Aquitain by the Franks510 Consulship of Clovis536 Final Establishment of the French Monarchy in Gaul. Political Controversy. Laws of the Barbarians. Pecuniary Fines for Homicide. Judgments of God. Judicial Combats. Division of Land by the Barbarians. Domain and Benefices of the Merovingians. Private Usurpations. Personal Servitude. Example of Auvergne. Story of Attalus. Privileges of the Romans of Gaul. Anarchy of the Franks. The Visigoths of Spain. Legislative Assemblies of Spain. Code of the Visigoths. Revolution of Britain449 Descent of the Saxons455-582. Establishment of the Saxon Heptarchy. State of the Britons. Their Resistance. Their Flight. The Fame of Arthur. Desolation of Britain. Servitude of the Britons. Manners of the Britons. Obscure or fabulous State of Britain. Fall of the Roman Empire in the WestGeneral Observations on the Fall of the Roman Empire in the WestChapter XXXIXZeno and Anastasius, Emperors of the East.—Birth, Education, and first Exploits of Theodoric the Ostrogoth.—His Invasion and Conquest of Italy.—The Gothic Kingdom of Italy.—State of the West.—Military and Civil Government.—The Senator Boethius.—Last Acts and Death of Theodoric.A.D.455-475. Birth and Education of Theodoric474-491. The Reign of Zeno491-518. of Anastasius475-488. Service and Revolt of Theodoric489 He undertakes the Conquest of Italy. His march489-490. The three Defeats of Odoacer493 His Capitulation and Death493-526. Reign of Theodoric, King of Italy. Partition of Lands. Separation of the Goths and Italians. Foreign Policy of Theodoric. His defensive Wars509 His Naval Armaments. Civil Government of Italy according to the Roman Laws. Prosperity of Rome500 Visit of Theodoric. Flourishing State of Italy. Theodoric an Arian. His Toleration of the Catholics. Vices of his Government. He is provoked to persecute the Catholics. Character, Studies, and Honours, of Boethius. His Patriotism. He is accused of Treason524 His Imprisonment and Death525 Death of Symmachus526 Remorse and Death of TheodoricChapter XLElevation of Justin the Elder.—Reign of Justinian:—I. The Empress Theodora.—II. Factions of the Circus, and Sedition of Constantinople.—III. Trade and Manufacture of Silk.—IV. Finances and Taxes.—V. Edifices of Justinian.—Church of St. Sophia.—Fortifications and Frontiers of the Eastern Empire.—VI. Abolition of the Schools of Athens, and the Consulship of Rome.A.D.482 or 483. Birth of the Emperor Justinian518-527. Elevation and Reign of his Uncle Justin I.520-527. Adoption and Succession of Justinian527-565. The Reign of Justinian. Character and Histories of Procopius. Division of the Reign of Justinian. Birth and Vices of the Empress Theodora. Her Marriage with Justinian. Her Tyranny. Her Virtues548 And Death. The Factions of the Circus. At Rome. They distract Constantinople and the East. Justinian favours the Blues532 Sedition of Constantinople, surnamed Nika. The Distress of Justinian. Firmness of Theodora. The Sedition is suppressed. Agriculture and Manufactures of the Eastern Empire. The Use of Silk by the Romans. Importation from China by Land and Sea. Introduction of Silk-worms into Greece. State of the Revenue. Avarice and Profusion of Justinian. Pernicious Savings. Remittances. Taxes. Monopolies. Venality. Testaments. The Ministers of Justinian. John of Cappadocia. His Edifices and Architects. Foundation of the Church of St. Sophia. Description. Marbles. Riches. Churches and Palaces. Fortifications of Europe. Security of Asia after the Conquest of Isauria. Fortifications of the Empire, from the Euxine to the Persian Frontier488 Death of Perozes, King of Persia502-505. The Persian War. Fortifications of Dara. The Caspian or Iberian Gates. The Schools of Athens. They are suppressed by Justinian. Proclus485-529. His Successors. The last of the Philosophers541 The Roman Consulship extinguished by JustinianChapter XLIConquests of Justinian in the West.—Character and first Campaigns of Belisarius.—He invades and subdues the Vandal Kingdom of Africa.—His Triumph.—The Gothic War.—He recovers Sicily, Naples, and Rome.—Siege of Rome by the Goths.—Their Retreat and Losses.—Surrender of Ravenna.—Glory of Belisarius.—His domestic Shame and Misfortunes.A.D.533 Justinian resolves to invade Africa523-530. State of the Vandals. Hilderic530-534. Gelimer. Debates on the African War. Character and Choice of Belisarius529-532. His Services in the Persian War533 Preparations for the African War. Departure of the Fleet. Belisarius lands on the Coast of Africa. Defeats the Vandals in a first Battle. Reduction of Carthage. Final Defeat of Gelimer and the Vandals534 Conquest of Africa by Belisarius. Distress and Captivity of Gelimer. Return and Triumph of Belisarius535 His sole Consulship. End of Gelimer and the Vandals. Manners and Defeat of the Moors. Neutrality of the Visigoths550-620. Conquests of the Romans in Spain534 Belisarius threatens the Ostrogoths of Italy522-534. Government and Death of Amalasontha, Queen of Italy535 Her Exile and Death. Belisarius invades and subdues Sicily534-536. Reign and Weakness of Theodatus, the Gothic King of Italy537 Belisarius invades Italy, and reduces Naples536-540. Vitiges, King of Italy536 Belisarius enters Rome537 Siege of Rome by the Goths. Valour of Belisarius. His Defence of Rome. Repulses a general Assault of the Goths. His Sallies. Distress of the City. Exile of Pope Sylverius. Deliverance of the City. Belisarius recovers many Cities of Italy538 The Goths raise the Siege of Rome. Lose Remini. Retire to Ravenna. Jealousy of the Roman Generals. Death of Constantine. The Eunuch Narses. Firmness and Authority of Belisarius538, 539. Invasion of Italy by the Franks. Destruction of Milan. Belisarius besieges Ravenna539 Subdues the Gothic Kingdom of Italy. Captivity of Vitiges540 Return and Glory of Belisarius. Secret History of his Wife Antonina. Her Lover Theodosius. Resentment of Belisarius and her Son Photius. Persecution of her Son. Disgrace and Submission of BelisariusChapter XLIIState of the Barbaric World.—Establishment of the Lombards on the Danube.—Tribes and Inroads of the Sclavonians. Origin, Empire, and Embassies of the Turks.—The Flight of the Avars.—Chosroes I. or Nushirvan King of Persia.—His prosperous Reign and Wars with the Romans.—The Colchian or Lazic War.—The Æthiopians.A.D.527-565. Weakness of the Empire of Justinian. State of the Barbarians. The Gepidæ. The Lombards. The Sclavonians. Their Inroads545 Origin and Monarchy of the Turks in Asia. The Avars fly before the Turks, and approach the Empire558 Their Embassy to Constantinople569-582. Embassies of the Turks and Romans500-530. State of Persia531-579. Reign of Nushirvan, or Chosroes. His Love of Learning533-539. Peace and War with the Romans540 He invades Syria. And ruins Antioch541 Defence of the East by Belisarius. Description of Colchos, Lazica, or Mingrelia. Manners of the Natives. Revolution of Colchos. Under the Persians, before Christ, 500. Under the Romans, before Christ, 60130 Visit of Arrian522 Conversion of the Lazi542-549. Revolt and Repentance of the Colchians549-551. Siege of Petra549-556. The Colchian or Lazic War540-561. Negociations and Treaties between Justinian and Chosroes522 Conquests of the Abyssinians533 Their Alliance with JustinianChapter XLIIIRebellions of Africa.—Restoration of the Gothic Kingdom by Totila.—Loss and Recovery of Rome.—Final Conquest of Italy by Narses.—Extinction of the Ostrogoths.—Defeat of the Franks and Alemanni.—Last Victory, Disgrace and Death of Belisarius.—Death and Character of Justinian.—Comets, Earthquakes, and Plague.A.D.535-545. The Troubles of Africa543-558. Rebellion of the Moors540 Revolt of the Goths541-544. Victories of Totila, King of Italy. Contrast of Greek Vice and Gothic Virtue544-548. Second Command of Belisarius in Italy546 Rome besieged by the Goths. Attempt of Belisarius. Rome taken by the Goths547 Recovered by Belisarius548 Final Recal of Belisarius549 Rome again taken by the Goths.549-551. Preparations of Justinian for the Gothic War552 Character and Expedition of the Eunuch Narses. Defeat and Death of Teias, the last King of the Goths. Invasion of Italy by the Franks and Alamanni554 Defeat of the Franks and Alamanni by Narses554-568. Settlement of Italy559 Invasion of the Bulgarians. Last Victory of Belisarius561 His Disgrace and Death565 Death and Character of Justinian531.539. Comets. Earthquakes542 Plague-its Origin and Nature542-594. Extent and DurationChapter XLIVIdea of the Roman Jurisprudence.—The Laws of the Kings.—The Twelve Tables of the Decemvirs.—The Laws of the People.—The Decrees of the Senate.—The Edicts of the Magistrates and Emperors.—Authority of the Civilians.—Code, Pandects, Novels, and Institutes of Justinian:—I. Rights of Persons.—II. Rights of Things.—III. Private Injuries and Actions.—IV. Crimes and PunishmentsThe Civil or Roman Law. Laws of the Kings of Rome. The Twelve Tables of the Decemvirs. Their Character and Influence. Laws of the People. Decrees of the Senate. Edicts of the Prætors. The perpetual Edict. Constitutions of the Emperors. Their Legislative Power. Their Rescripts. Forms of the Roman Law. Succession of the Civil LawyersA.U.C.303-648. The first Period648-988. Second Period988-1230. Third Period. Their Philosophy. Authority. SectsA.D.527 Reformation of the Roman Law by Justinian527-546.Tribonian528, 529. The Code of Justinian530-533. The Pandects or Digest. Praise and Censure of the Code and Pandects. Loss of the ancient Jurisprudence. Legal Inconstancy of Justinian534 Second Edition of the Code534-565. The Novels533 The InstitutesI. OF PERSONS. Freemen and Slaves. Fathers and Children. Limitations of the paternal Authority. Husbands and Wives. The religious Rites of Marriage. Freedom of the Matrimonial Contract. Liberty and Abuse of Divorce. Limitations of the Liberty of Divorce. Incest, Concubines, and Bastards. Guardians and WardsII. OF THINGS. Right of Property. Of Inheritance and Succession. Civil Degrees of Kindred. Introduction and Liberty of Testaments. Legacies. Codicils and Trusts.III. OF ACTIONS. Promises. Benefits. Interest of Money. InjuriesIV. OF CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS. Severity of the Twelve Tables. Abolition or Oblivion of penal Laws. Revival of capital Punishments. Measure of Guilt. Unnatural Vice. Rigour of the Christian Emperors. Judgments of the People. Select Judges. Assessors. Voluntary Exile and Death. Abuses of Civil JurisprudenceChapter XLVReign of the younger Justin.—Embassy of the Avars.—Their Settlement on the Danube.—Conquest of Italy by the Lombards.—Adoption and Reign of Tiberius.—Of Maurice.—State of Italy under the Lombards and the Exarchs.—Of Ravenna.—Distress of Rome.—Character and Pontificate of Gregory the First.A.D.565 Death of Justinian565-574. Reign of Justin II. or the Younger566 His Consulship. Embassy of the Avars. Alboin, King of the Lombards—his Valour, Love, and Revenge. The Lombards and Avars destroy the King and Kingdom of the Gepidæ567 Alboin undertakes the Conquest of Italy. Disaffection and Death of Narses568-570. Conquest of a great Part of Italy by the Lombards573 Alboin is murdered by his Wife Rosamond. Her Flight and Death. Clepho, King of the Lombards. Weakness of the Emperor Justin574 Association of Tiberius578 Death of Justin II.578-582. Reign of Tiberius II. His Virtues582-602. The Reign of Maurice. Distress of Italy584-590. Autharis, King of the Lombards. The Exarchate of Ravenna. The Kingdom of the Lombards. Language and Manners of the Lombards. Dress and Marriage. Government643 Laws. Misery of Rome. The Tombs and Relics of the Apostles. Birth and Profession of Gregory the Roman590-604. Pontificate of Gregory the Great, or First. His spiritual Office. And temporal Government. His Estates. And Alms. The Saviour of RomeChapter XLVIRevolutions of Persia after the Death of Chosroes or Nushirvan.—His Son Hormouz, a Tyrant, is deposed.—Usurpation of Baharam.—Flight and Restoration of Chosroes II.-His Gratitude to the Romans.—The Chagan of the Avars.—Revolt of the Army against Maurice.—His Death.—Tyranny of Phocas.—Elevation of Heraclius.—The Persian War.—Chosroes subdues Syria, Egypt, and Asia Minor.—Siege of Constantinople by the Persians and Avars.—Persian Expeditions.—Victories and Triumph of Heraclius.A.D.Contest of Rome and Persia570 Conquest of Yemen by Nushirvan572 His last War with the Romans579 His Death579-590. Tyranny and Vices of his son Hormouz590 Exploits of Bahram. His Rebellion. Hormouz is deposed and imprisoned. Elevation of his Son Chosroes. Death of Hormouz. Chosroes flies to the Romans. His Return, and final Victory. Death of Bahram591-603. Restoration and Policy of Chosroes570-600. Pride, Policy, and the Power of the Chagan of the Avars595-602. Wars of Maurice against the Avars. State of the Roman Armies. Their Discontent. And Rebellion602 Election of Phocas. Revolt of Constantinople. Death of Maurice and his Children602-610. Phocas Emperor. His Character. And Tyranny610 His Fall and Death610-642. Reign of Heraclius603 Chosroes invades the Roman Empire611 His Conquest of Syria614 Of Palestine616 Of Egypt. Of Asia Minor. His Reign and Magnificence610-622. Distress of Heraclius. He solicits Peace621 His Preparations for War622 First Expedition of Heraclius against the Persians623, 624, 625. His second Expedition626 Deliverance of Constantinople from the Persians and Avars. Alliances and Conquests of Heraclius627 His third Expedition. And Victories. Flight of Chosroes628 He is deposed. And murdered by his Son Siroes. Treaty of Peace between the two EmpiresChapter XLVIITheological History of the Doctrine of the Incarnation.—The Human and Divine Nature of Christ.—Enmity of the Patriarchs of Alexandria and Constantinople.—St. Cyril and Nestorius.—Third General Council of Ephesus.—Heresy of Eutyches.—Fourth General Council of Chalcedon.—Civil and Ecclesiastical Discord.— Intolerance of Justinian.—The Three Chapters.—The Monothelite Controversy.—State of the Oriental Sects:—I. The Nestorians.—II. The Jacobites.—III. The Maronites.—IV. The Armenians.—V. The Copts.—VI. The AbyssiniansA.D.The Incarnation of ChristI. A pure Man to the Ebonites. His Birth and ElevationII. A pure God to the Docetes. His incorruptible BodyIII. Double Nature of CerinthusIV. Divine Incarnation of ApollinarisV. Orthodox Consent and verbal Disputes412-444. Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria413, 414, 415. His Tyranny428 Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople429-431. His Heresy431 First Council of Ephesus. Condemnation of Nestorius. Opposition of the Orientals431-435. Victory of Cyril435 Exile of Nestorius448 Heresy of Eutyches449 Second Council of Ephesus451 Council of Chalcedon. Faith of Chalcedon451-482. Discord of the East482 The Henoticon of Zeno508-518. The Trisagion, and religious War, till the Death of Anastasius514 First religious War519-565. Theological Character and Government of Justinian. His Persecution of Heretics. Of Pagans. Of Jews. Of Samaritans. His Orthodoxy532-698. The three Chapters553 Vth general Council: IId of Constantinople564 Heresy of Justinian629 The Monothelite Controversy639 The Ecthesis of Heraclius648 The Type of Constans680, 681. VIth general Council: IIId of Constantinople. Union of the Greek and Latin Churches. Perpetual Separation of the Oriental SectsI. The Nestorians500 Sole Masters of Persia.500-1200 Their Missions in Tartary, India, China, &c.883 The Christians of St. Thomas in IndiaII. The JacobitesIII. The MaronitesIV. The ArmeniansV. The Copts or Egyptians537-568. The Patriarch Theodosius538 Paul551 Apollinaris580 Eulogius609 John. Their Separation and Decay625-661. Benjamin, the Jacobite PatriarchVI. The Abyssinians and Nubians530 Church of Abyssinia1525-1550 The Portuguese in Abyssinia1557 Mission of the Jesuits1626 Conversion of the Emperor1632 Final Expulsion of the Jesuits
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Biographical note

Edward Gibbon (1737-1794), English historian. It was on a visit to Rome that he conceived the idea of his magnificent and panoramic history The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (6 vol., 1776–88) which won immediate acclaim, despite some harsh criticism. Gibbon himself was assured of the greatness of his work, which is, indeed, one of the most-read historical works of modern times.