Thanks to the uniform structure, each volume in the set can stand on its own for the time period it covers…Broader in scope than other chronologies…Tucker's chronology cannot be the last word on conflict in the world, but it is by far the most definitive chronology through 2008.
…the encyclopedia offers an easy-to-read, richly detailed time line of military conflict across human history, covering key events on the battlefield and in the corridors of power….This should be considered an essential resource for students, researchers, history aficionados, and general readers. Recommended for school and undergraduate libraries.
Library Journal
So much more than simple chronology of military history is provided here. . . . Recommended. Lower- and upper-level undergraduates; general readers.
…a remarkable feat…An excellent set.
School Library Journal
It is difficult to contain my enthusiasm for this truly extraordinary, even magisterial work of scholarship, a veritable tour de force about which one can only speak in superlatives. This extraordinary six-volume epic work is truly a monumental achievement. Sui generis, this is one of the most, if not the most, comprehensive military history chronologies ever compiled known to this author. It is a remarkable achievement, unique and distinctive and awe-inspiring, an incredible compilation and assimiliation of material from disparate sources….Students of history and international affairs will relish this book…It is particularly recommended for libraries with extensive military history collections.
Reference & User Services Quarterly
Both ABC-CLIO and Prof. Tucker have spent a great deal of time and care on this reference. The <i>Global Chronology of Conflict: From the Ancient World to the Modern Middle East</i> offers readers a wealth of facts based on years of scholarship in a handsomely produced and visually attractive set. It should stand proudly on the shelf next to other standard military references as well as be seen as a complement to more broadly based chronologies like ABC-CLIO's <i>Chronology of World History</i>. In addition to being a solid choice for most academic libraries, this six-volume set is equally appropriate for larger public libraries where there is an interest in military history.
Against the Grain