[A]n innovative investigation into the relationship between the Scylla and Charybdis of the Odyssey and the southern Italian town of Scilla.
Greece and Rome
Carbone’s ethnographic approach to Homeric and Greek narratives in southern Italy can be useful for everyone who studies and teaches the artifacts and texts of the ancient Greek world...There is much anti-racist work to do, and for it to make a difference, plenty of people, from all kinds of standpoints, need to undertake such work. Carbone’s study is a model for what some of that work can look like, accomplish, and inspire.
- Catherine Connors, Arion: A Journal of the Humanities and the Classics
The book’s investigation into contemporary culture and ethnography is an excavation inside the minds, bodies, perceptions and languages of the inhabitants of the ‘scilleccariddi Region’.
The Classical Review
This text is an exciting entry in the study of ancient Greece and antiquities. The author skillfully weaves historical analyses of Greece, Homer’s Odyssey, and ancient mythology with ethnographic considerations of the contemporary Strait of Messina. A welcomed and necessary study of the significance of ancient Greek mythology in the contemporary world.
- Scott A. Lukas, Professor of Anthropology, Lake Tahoe Community College, USA,