Representing a unique reference tool for readers interested in history, criminology, or terrorism, this book provides the most complete and up-to-date coverage of assassinations of key figures throughout history and around the world. Effecting the death of a political figure, a leader of a nation, or a public figure usually captures people's attention. But how often is assassination effective to achieve the larger objective beyond the death of the targeted individual? Famous Assassinations in World History: An Encyclopedia offers more than 200 entries on assassinations of all kinds that will allow readers to grasp the often-complex motivating factors behind each event and better understand historical and contemporary social unrest. Each entry identifies the assassination target and summarizes that person's significance; discusses the person's assassination, including the factors that led up to it and its political and cultural contexts; and explains the powerful effects of the assassination in world history. The encyclopedia also includes various sidebars that spotlight relevant individuals, groups, and movements and present intriguing factoids such as the final disposition of notorious assassins' weapons and various films and novels that were inspired by famous assassinations. In addition, 23 primary source documents provide accounts of assassinations throughout world history.
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Representing a unique reference tool for readers interested in history, criminology, or terrorism, this book provides the most complete and up-to-date coverage of assassinations of key figures throughout history and around the world.
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Preface Introduction The Encyclopedia Volume 1 Abdallah Abderemane, Ahmed (1919–1989) Aguiyi-Ironsi, Johnson Thomas Umunnakwe (1924–1966) al-Banna, Sheikh Hasan Ahmed Abdel Rahman Muhammed (1906–1949) Albert I of Habsburg (1255–1308) al-Din Shah Qajar, Nasser (1831–1896) Alexander I of Serbia (1876–1903) Alexander I of Yugoslavia (1888–1934) Alexander II of Russia (1818–1881) Ali, Muhammad Mansur (1919–1975) Amin, Hafizullah (1929–1979) Aquino, Benigno Simeon, Jr. (1932–1983) Araujo, Manuel Enrique (1865–1913) Argaña Ferraro, Luis María del Corazón de Jesús Dionisio (1932–1999) Assassins Cult (ca. 1092–1275) Bahonar, Mohammad-Javad (1933–1981) Balbinus (165 ce–238 ce) Balewa, Abubakar Tafawa (1912–1966) Bandaranaike, Solomon West Ridgeway Dias (1899–1959) Bautista Gill García del Barrio, Juan (1840–1877) Becket, Thomas (1118–1170) Belzu Humerez, Manuel Isidoro (1808–1865) Beñaran Ordeñana, José Miguel (1949–1978) Bent, Charles (1799–1847) Bhutto, Benazir (1953–2007) bin Laden, Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad (1957–2011) Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev (1945–2001) Bishop, Maurice Rupert (1944–1983) Bobrikov, Nikolay Ivanovich (1839–1904) Bolles, Don (1928–1976) Borgia, Giovanni (1476–1497) Borsellino, Paolo (1940–1992) Boudiaf, Mohamed (1919–1992) Buback, Siegfried (1920–1977) Bush, George Walker (1946– )—Attempted Caesar, Gaius Julius (100 bce–44 bce) Caligula (12 ce–41 ce) Ca?linescu, Armand (1893–1939) Canalejas y Méndez, José (1854–1912) Cánovas del Castillo, Antonio (1828–1897) Carlos I of Portugal (1863–1908) Carranza de la Garza, Venustiano (1859–1920) Carrero Blanco, Luis (1904–1973) Castillo Armas, Carlos (1914–1957) Castro Ruz, Fidel Alejandro (1926– )—Attempted Catargiu, Barbu (1807–1862) Cermak, Anton Joseph (1873–1933) "Chain Murders" (Iran) (1979–1998) Charles VII of Sweden (1130–1167) Chillingworth, Curtis Eugene (1896–1955) Chinnici, Rocco (1925–1983) Chitunda, Jeremias Kalandula (1942–1992) Clinton, William Jefferson (1946– )—Attempted Collins, Michael, Jr. (1890–1922) Danilo I, Prince of Montenegro (1826–1860) Daoud Khan, Mohammed (1909–1978) Delgado Chalbaud Gómez, Carlos (1909–1950) Deligiannis, Theodoros (1820–1905) Dessalines, Jean-Jacques (1758–1806) Devi, Phoolan (1963–2001) Ðindic´, Zoran (1952–2003) Doe, Samuel Kanyon (1951–1990) Dollfuss, Engelbert (1892–1934) Dubs, Adolph (1920–1979) Duca, Ion Gheorghe (1879–1933) Dudayev, Dzhokhar Musayevich (1944–1996) Earp, Morgan Seth (1851–1882) Edmund I (922–946) Edward the Martyr (962–978) Eisner, Kurt (1867–1919) Elisabeth of Austria (1837–1898) Eric V of Denmark (1249–1286) Eric XIV of Sweden (1533–1577) Erim, Ismail Nihat (1912–1980) Evers, Medgar Wiley (1925–1963) Ewart-Biggs, Christopher Thomas (1921–1976) Faisal bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud (1906–1975) Faisal II of Iraq (1935–1958) Falcón, Ramón Lorenzo (1855–1909) Ferreira do Amaral, João Maria (1803–1849) Ford, Gerald Rudolph, Jr. (1913–2006)—Attempted Foster, Marcus Albert (1923–1973) Franz Ferdinand (1863–1914) Gaddafi, Muammar (1942–2011) Gandhi, Indira Priyadarshini (1917–1984) Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand (1869–1948) Gandhi, Rajiv Ratna (1944–1991) García y Moreno y Morán de Buitrón, Gabriel Gregorio Fernando José María (1821–1875) Garfield, James Abram (1831–1881) Gaulle, Charles André Joseph Marie de (1890–1970)—Attempted Gaviria Correa, Guillermo (1962–2003) Gegeen Khan, Emperor Yingzong of Yuan (1303–1323) George I of Greece (1845–1913) Goebel, William Justus (1856–1900) González Dubón, Eduardo Epaminondas (1945–1993) Goulart, João Belchior Marques (1919–1976) Guerin, Veronica (1958–1996) Guevara, Ernesto "Che" (1928–1967) Guinness, Walter Edward (1880–1944) Gunn, David (1946–1993) Gustav III of Sweden (1746–1792) Habyarimana, Juvénal (1937–1994) Hamidaddin, Yahya Muhammad (1869–1948) Hammarskjöld, Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl (1905–1961) Hampton, Fred (1948–1969) Hani, Martin Thembisile "Chris" (1942–1993) Harald IV of Norway (ca. 1102–1136) Harrison, Carter Henry, Sr. (1825–1893) Hennessy, David C., Jr. (1858–1890) Henriot, Philippe (1889–1944) Henry III of France (1551–1589) Henry IV of France (1553–1610) Heureaux Lebert, Ulises (1845–1899) Heydrich, Reinhard Tristan Eugen (1904–1942) Hitler, Adolf (1889–1945)—Attempted Idiarte Borda, Juan Bautista (1844–1897) Ige, James Ajibola Idowu (1930–2001) Inejiro Asanuma (1898–1960) Jackson, Andrew (1767–1845)—Attempted Jackson, Wharlest, Sr. (1930–1967) James I, King of Scots (1394–1437) John Paul II (1920–2005)—Attempted Kabila, Laurent-Désiré (1939–2001) Kadyrov, Akhmad Abdulkhamidovich (1951–2004) Kahane, Meir (1932–1990) Kapodistrias, Ioannis Antonios (1776–1831) Kapuuo, Clemens (1923–1978) Karume, Sheikh Abeid Amani (1905–1972) Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917–1963) Kennedy, Robert Francis (1925–1968) Khoyski Isgender oglu, Fatali Khan (1875–1920) King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929–1968) Ku Klux Klan (1866–) Lambrakis, Grigoris (1912–1963) Laporte, Pierre (1921–1970) Lennon, John Winston (1940–1980) Letelier del Solar, Marcos Orlando (1932–1976) Lincoln, Abraham (1809–1865) Litvinenko, Alexander Valterovich (1962–2006) Liu, Henry (1932–1984) Long, Huey Pierce, Jr. (1893–1935) Lumumba, Patrice Émery (1925–1961) Luwum, Janani Jakaliya (1922–1977) Madero González, Francisco Ignacio (1873–1913) Maher Pasha, Ahmed (1888–1945) Maïnassara, Ibrahim Baré (1949–1999) Malcolm X (1925–1965) Marat, Jean-Paul (1743–1793) Maskhadov, Aslan Aliyevich (1951–2005) McGlinchey, Dominic (1954–1994) McKinley, William, Jr. (1843–1901) Medici, Giuliano de' (1453–1478) Mitrione, Daniel Anthony (1920–1970) Moawad, René (1925–1989) Mohammed, Murtala Ramat (1938–1976) Mondlane, Eduardo Chivambo (1920–1969) Moore, Harry Tyson (1905–1951) Moro, Aldo (1916–1978) Moscone, George Richard (1929–1978) Mosharraf, Khaled (1938–1975) Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas George (1900–1979) Mussolini, Benito Amilcare Andrea (1883–1945) Nader Shah Afshar (1688–1747) Nadir Shah, Mohammed (1883–1933) Narutowicz, Gabriel (1865–1922) Ndadaye, Melchior (1953–1993) Ngo Dinh Diem (1901–1963) Ngouabi, Marien (1938–1977) Nicholas II (1868–1918) Obama, Barack Hussein, II (1961– )—Attempted/Threatened Obregón Salido, Álvaro (1880–1928) Olympio, Sylvanus Epiphanio (1902–1963) Operation Wrath of God (1972–1992) Osman II (1604–1622) Ouko, John Robert (1931–1990) Palme, Sven Olof Joachim (1927–1986) Pardo Leal, Jaime (1941–1987) Park Chung-hee (1917–1979) Patterson, Albert Leon (1894–1954) Paul I of Russia (1754–1801) Perceval, Spencer (1762–1812) Peter III of Russia (1728–1762) Petliura, Symon Vasylyovych (1879–1926) Philip of Swabia (1177–1208) Philip II of Macedon (359 bce–336 bce) Phoenix Program (1965–1972) Pizarro González, Francisco (1471–1541) Pompey the Great (106 bce–48 bce) Premadasa, Ranasinghe (1924–1993) Prim y Prats, Juan (1814–1870) Volume 2 Qadir, Haji Abdul (1951–2002) Qutuz, Saif ad-Din (?–1260) Rabin, Yitzhak (1922–1995) Radama II (1829–1863) Rahman, Ziaur (1936–1981) Rasputin, Grigori Yefimovich (1869–1916) Rathenau, Walther (1867–1922) Ratsimandrava, Richard (1931–1975) Razmara, Sepahbod Haj Ali (1901–1951) Reagan, Ronald Wilson (1911–2004)—Attempted Reina Barrios, José María (1854–1898) Remeliik, Haruo Ignacio (1933–1985) Remón Cantera, José Antonio (1908–1955) Ritavuori, Heikki (1880–1922) Rockwell, George Lincoln (1918–1967) Röhm, Ernst Julius Günther (1887–1934) Romero y Galdámez, Óscar Arnulfo (1917–1980) Roosevelt, Theodore (1858–1919)—Attempted Ryan, Leo Joseph, Jr. (1925–1978) Rzayev Gurbanoglu, Rail (1945–2009) Sá Carneiro, Francisco Manuel Lumbrales de (1934–1980) Sadat, Anwar El (1918–1981) Sadulayev, Abdul-Halim Abu-Salamovich (1966–2006) Salim, Ezzedine (1943–2004) Sánchez Cerro, Luis Miguel (1889–1933) Sandino, Augusto Nicolás Calderón (1895–1934) Sankara, Thomas Isidore Noël (1949–1987) Sargsyan, Vazgen (1959–1999) Schneider Chereau, René (1913–1970) Seleucus I (350s bce–281 bce) September, Dulcie Evonne (1935–1988) Shaka kaSenzangakhona (1781/87–1828) Sharples, Richard Christopher (1916–1973) Shermarke, Abdirashid Ali (1919–1969) Shevket Pasha, Mahmud (1856–1913) Smith, Joseph, Jr. (1805–1844) Sogdianus (?–423 bce) Somoza Debayle, Anastasio (1925–1980) Somoza García, Anastasio (1896–1956) Stamboliyski, Aleksandar (1879–1923) Stambolov, Stefan Nikolov (1854–1895) Steunenberg, Frank (1861–1905) Stewart, James, Earl of Moray (1531–1570) Strang, James Jesse (1813–1856) Sverker I (?–1156) Takahashi Korekiyo (1854–1936) Taraki, Nur Muhammad (1917–1979) Taseer, Salmaan (1944–2011) Tisza de Borosjeno? et Szeged, István (1861–1918) Tjibaou, Jean-Marie (1936–1989) Tolbert, William Richard, Jr. (1913–1980) Tombalbaye, François (1918–1975) Trotsky, Leon (1879–1940) Trujillo Molina, Rafael Leonidas (1891–1961) Truman, Harry S. (1884–1972)—Attempted Umar ibn Al-Khattab (586/590–644) Umberto I (1844–1900) Uwilingiyimana, Agathe (1953–1994) Valko, Ernest (1953–2010) Vance, Robert Smith (1931–1989) Verwoerd, Hendrik Frensch (1901–1966) Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom (1819–1901)—Attempted Vieira, João "Nino" Bernardo (1939–2009) Villa, Francisco "Pancho" (1878–1923) Villarroel López, Gualberto (1908–1946) Vom Rath, Ernst Eduard (1909–1938) Wallace, George Corley, Jr. (1919–1998)—Attempted Welch, Richard Skeffington (1929–1975) Wenceslaus I (907–935) William I, Prince of Orange (1533–1584) William II of England (1056–1100) Wood, John Howland, Jr. (1916–1979) Xerxes I of Persia (519 bce–465 bce) Yuldashev, Tohir Abduhalilovich (1967–2009) Zapata Salazar, Emiliano (1879–1919) Zhang Zuolin (1875–1928) Zorig, Sanjaasuren (1962–1998) Primary Documents 1. Assassination of Pompey the Great (48 bce)—Plutarch's Description of the Murder of Pompey in Egypt 2. Assassination of Julius Caesar (44 bce)—Letter of Brutus to Cicero on Caesar's Assassination (43 bce) 3. Assassination of the Roman Emperor Caligula (41 ce)—Suetonius's Account of the Murder 4. Death of William II, King of England (1100)—Description of William's Death by Chronicler Peter of Blois 5. Murder of Archbishop Thomas Becket (1170)—The Eyewitness Account of Edward Grim 6. Assassination of Albert I of Habsburg (1308)—Act V, Scene 2 of the Play Wilhelm Tell by Friedrich Schiller (1804) 7. Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (1865)—Official Messages and Correspondence Relating to the Shooting of President Lincoln (April 15, 1865) 8. Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (1865)—General Court-Martial Orders No. 356 for Trial of the Lincoln Assassination Conspirators 9. Assassination of Czar Alexander II of Russia (1881)—Prince Peter Kropotkin's Account of the Murder 10. Assassination of James A. Garfield (1881)—Address of Vice President Chester A. Arthur upon Assuming the Presidency 11. Assassination of Morgan Earp (1882)—Tombstone Epitaph Account of the Murder 12. Assassination of William McKinley (1901)—Newspaper Accounts of the Shooting and Death of the President 13. Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (1914)—Austrian Official Report on the Assassination 14. Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (1914)—Excerpts from American Newspaper Accounts of the Murder of the Archduke and His Wife 15. Assassination of Emiliano Zapata (1919)—Three Accounts of the Ambush 16. Assassination of Senator Huey P. Long (1935)—Senator Long's "Share the Wealth" Program (1934) 17. Assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem (1963)—State Department Cables Concerning the Coup That Overthrew President Diem of South Vietnam 18. Assassination of John F. Kennedy (1963)—Excerpts from the Warren Commission Report (1964) 19. Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. (1968)—Excerpts from the Department of Justice Report on Allegations of Conspiracy in the Death of Dr. King (2000) 20. Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy (1968)—Edward M. Kennedy's Eulogy for His Brother Robert F. Kennedy 21. Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy (1968)—Excerpts from the Report of Special Counsel Thomas F. Kranz on His Reinvestigation of the Murder of Robert Kennedy (1977) 22. Attempted Assassination of Ronald Reagan (1981)—Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (1993) 23. Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin (1995)—Last Speech of Israeli Prime Minister Rabin Appendix: World Timeline of Assassinations Selected Bibliography Index
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[T]his set is a valuable addition to any reference collection. . . . Newton's synthesis of so much information into an easily accessible format makes this title a strong resource for a wide range of readers. Recommended.
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Representing a unique reference tool for readers interested in history, criminology, or terrorism, this book provides the most complete and up-to-date coverage of assassinations of key figures throughout history and around the world.
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Provides timely content about past assassinations that will enable students to better understand historical and contemporary social unrest


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Biographical note

Michael Newton is a freelance author who has published 266 books since 1977.