This work provides an important foundation for understanding and assessing the people and key events of the Kennedy era. Summing Up: Recommended.


Canvassing topics that are perennial fertile ground for research projects and reports, the <i>Encyclopedia of the Kennedys</i> is recommended for school media centers and public libraries seeking to fill gaps or update outdated collections.


An expansive reference that overviews John F. Kennedy's presidency, covering the people, places, and events that comprised the political landscape of the Kennedy era. The Kennedy family has played a leading role in the annals of American politics for over 100 years, no greater than when John F. Kennedy (JFK) became the 35th president of the United States. The celebrity surrounding the circumstances of his presidency, particularly his sudden assassination, made JFK the object of many enduring myths: that he might have been one of the country's greatest leaders had he lived, that he would have kept the United States out of Vietnam, and that he was a martyr to right-wing assassins. Encyclopedia of the Kennedys: The People and Events That Shaped America is a three-volume reference set that provides an in-depth look at JFK's presidency, including his foreign and domestic policies, political allies and enemies, and major events and speeches. This A–Z encyclopedia also contains entries on the events of the 1960s that changed our nation forever, such as JFK's assassination and the Warren Commission report, the space program, and the My Lai Massacre, as well as the individuals who defined the time, such as writers Norman Mailer and James Baldwin, folk musicians Bob Dylan and Joan Baez, and activists Cesar Chavez and Martin Luther King, Jr. Appendices provide a substantial archive of primary documents and identify officeholders during JFK's presidency, while an annotated bibliography supplies sources for additional research.
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An expansive reference that overviews John F. Kennedy's presidency, covering the people, places, and events that comprised the political landscape of the Kennedy era.
Preface Introduction: The Kennedy Era Chronology Volume 1 Abernathy, Ralph David Acheson, Dean Gooderham Affirmative Action African Americans Age Discrimination in Employment Act (1967) Aiken, George David Albert, Carl Bert Alger, Bruce Ali, Muhammad Allen, James Edward, Jr. Allott, Gordon Llewellyn Alsop, Joseph Wright, Jr. Alsop, Stewart Johonnot Oliver American Independent Party American Indian Movement (AIM) Anderson, Clinton Presba Anderson, George Whelan, Jr. Antiwar Movement Appeasement Area Redevelopment Act (1961) Arends, Leslie Cornelius Arms Control Arms Race Aspinall, Wayne Norviel Assassination of John F. Kennedy Badeau, John Stothoff Baez, Joan Bailey, John Moran Baker v. Carr (1962) Baker, Robert Gene Baldwin, James Ball, George Wildman Barnett, Ross R. Bartlett, Edward Lewis Bay of Pigs Bayh, Birch Evans Beirne, Joseph Anthony Bell, David Elliott Bennett, Wallace Foster Berle, Adolf Augustus, Jr. Berlin Crisis Berrigan, Daniel Bible, Alan D. Biemiller, Andrew John Bilingual Education Act (1968) Bissell, Richard Mervin Black, Eugene Robert Black, Hugo Lafayette Black Panther Party Blough, Roger Miles Boggs, Thomas Hale Bohlen, Charles Eustis Bolling, Richard Walker Bowles, Chester Brennan, William Joseph, Jr. Bridges, Harry Alfred Renton Bridges, Henry Styles Brinkley, David Brown, Clarence Brown, Edmund Gerald, Sr. Brown, H. Rap Brown, Harold Brown, Winthrop Gilman Bruce, David Kirkpatrick Este Buckley, Charles Anthony Bunche, Ralph Johnson Bundy, McGeorge Bundy, William Putnam Burke, Arleigh Albert Bush, Prescott Sheldon Byrd, Robert Carlyle Califano, Joseph Anthony, Jr. Campaign of 1960 Campus Teach-ins Cannon, Clarence Capehart, Homer Earl Carmichael, Stokely Carson, Rachel Cary, William Lucius Case, Clifford Philip Castro, Fidel Celebrezze, Anthony Joseph Celler, Emanuel Chappaquiddick Incident Charyk, Joseph Vincent Chavez, Cesar Chayes, Abram Chicano Movement Civil Defense Civil Rights Clark, Joseph Sill, Jr. Clay, Lucius Dubignon Clean Air Act (1963) Clifford, Clark Cointelpro Colmer, William Meyers Communications Satellite Act (1962) Community Action Program (CAP) Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Connally, John Bowden, Jr. Connor, Theophilus Eugene ("Bull") Cooley, Harold Dunbar Cooper, John Sherman Corporation for Public Broadcasting Countercultural Movement Counterinsurgency Cousins, Norman Cox, Archibald Cronkite, Walter Leland Cuba Cuban Missile Crisis Curran, Joseph Edwin Curtis, Carl Thomas Curtis, Thomas Bradford Daley, Richard Joseph Dawson, William Levi Day, James Edward Delaney, James J. Dellinger, David Democratic National Convention (1968) Democratic Party Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Department of Transportation (1966) Dillon, Clarence Douglas Dirksen, Everett McKinley DiSalle, Michael Vincent Dixon, Paul Randall Dodd, Thomas Joseph Donovan, James Britt Douglas, Paul Howard Douglas, William Orville Drugs Dryden, Hugh Latimer Dulles, Allen Welsh Dylan, Bob Eastland, James Oliver Eaton, Cyrus Stephen Economic Opportunity Act (1964) Education Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee (ENDC) Eisenhower, Dwight David Eisenhower, Milton Stover Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965) Ellender, Allen Joseph Engle, Clair Environmental Movement Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Ervin, Samuel James, Jr. Estes, Billie Sol Evers, Medgar Wiley Fair Housing Act of 1968 Fallout Shelters Farmer, James Leonard Federal-Aid Highway Act (1962) Findley, Paul Fisher, Adrian Sanford Fong, Hiram Leong Food Stamp Act of 1964 Ford, Gerald Rudolph Ford, Henry, II Foreign Policy for a New Generation Forman, James Forrestal, Michael Vincent Fortas, Abe Foster, William Chapman Frankfurter, Felix Free Fire Zones Freeman, Orville Lothrop Free Speech Movement (FSM) Friedan, Betty Fulbright, James William Funston, George Keith Galbraith, John Kenneth Gardner, John Garrison, Jim Gavin, James Maurice Gilpatric, Roswell Leavitt Glenn, John Herschel, Jr. Goldberg, Arthur Joseph Goldwater, Barry Morris Gonzalez, Henry Barbosa Goodell, Charles Ellsworth Goodwin, Richard Naradhof Graham, Philip Leslie Graham, William Franklin Grand Design for Europe Great Depression Great Society Green, William J., Jr. Gregory, Dick Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) Gruening, Ernest Henry Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Haggerty, Cornelius Joseph Halberstam, David Hall, Gus Halleck, Charles Abraham Hanoi Hilton Harlan, John Marshall Harriman, William Averell Harrington, Edward Michael Harris, Louis Hartke, Rupert Vance Hatfield, Mark Odum Hayden, Carl Trumbull Head Start Heller, Walter Wolfgang Helms, Richard McGarrah Henry, Aaron Edd Hesburgh, Theodore Martin Hickenlooper, Bourke Blakemore Higher Education Act (1965) Hill, Lister Hilsman, Roger Hispanics Hitch, Charles Johnston Hodges, Luther Hartwell Hoffman, Abbie Hoover, Herbert Clark Hoover, John Edgar Hotline Agreement (1963) Howe, Irving Hruska, Roman Lee Hughes, Howard Robard Hull, Cordell Humphrey, George Magoffin Humphrey, Hubert Horatio Hunt, Haroldson Lafayette, Jr. Huntley, Chester Robert Hutchins, Robert Maynard Volume 2 Ickes, Harold Leclair Jackson, Henry Martin Javits, Jacob Koppel Jennings, William Pat John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Johnson, Claudia Alta Taylor ("Lady Bird") Johnson, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Thomas Francis Johnson, Ural Alexis Johnston, Olin Dewitt Jordan, Benjamin Everett Judd, Walter Henry Katzenbach, Nicholas de Belleville Kaysen, Carl Keating, Kenneth Barnard Kefauver, Carey Estes Kelsey, Frances Oldham Kennan, George Frost Kennedy, Caroline Bouvier Kennedy, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, Edward Moore Kennedy, Ethel Skakel Kennedy, Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Joseph Patrick, Jr. Kennedy, Joseph Patrick, Sr. Kennedy, Kathleen Kennedy, Robert Francis Kennedy, Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, Rosemary Keogh, Eugene James Keppel, Francis Kerner, Otto, Jr. Kerner Commission Kerr, Clark Keyserling, Leon H. Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich King, Cecil Rhodes King, Martin Luther, Jr. Krulak, Victor Harold Kuchel, Thomas Henry Laird, Melvin Robert Landis, James McCauley Lansdale, Edward G. Laos Larson, Leonard Winfield Lausche, Frank John Lawford, Patricia Kennedy Lawford, Peter Sidney Lawrence, David Leo Leary, Timothy LeMay, Curtis Emerson Lemnitzer, Lyman L. Lincoln, Evelyn Norton Lincoln, Murray Danforth Lindsay, John Vliet Lippmann, Walter Lodge, Henry Cabot Loeb, James Isaac, Jr. Loeb, William Loevinger, Lee Long, Edward Vaughan Long, Oren Ethelbert Long, Russell Billiu Lovett, Robert Abercrombie Luce, Henry Robinson Macdonald, Dwight Magnuson, Warren Grant Mahon, George Herman Mailer, Norman Malcolm X Mann, Thomas Clifton Manning, Robert Joseph Manpower Development and Training Act (1962) Mansfield, Michael Joseph Marshall, Burke Marshall, Thurgood Martin, William McChesney Mathias, Charles McCurdy McCarthy, Eugene Joseph McCarthy, Mary McClellan, John Little McCloskey, Matthew Henry McCloy, John Jay McCone, John Alex McCormack, John William McCormick, Robert Rutherford McCulloch, William M. McDonald, David John McGee, Gale William McGovern, George Stanley McIntyre, Thomas James McMillan, John Lanneau McMurrin, Sterling Moss McNamara, Patrick Vincent McNamara, Robert Strange McNaughton, John Theodore Meany, George Medicare/Medicaid Act of 1965 Merchant, Livingston Tallmadge Meredith, James Howard Metcalf, Lee Miller, George Paul Miller, William Edward Mills, Wilbur Daigh Minow, Newton Norman Miranda v. Arizona (1966) Missile Gap Mitchell, Clarence M. Model Cities Program Monroe, Marilyn Monroney, Almer Stillwell ("Mike") Morgan, Thomas Ellsworth Morgenthau, Henry, Jr. Morrison, De Lesseps Story Morse, Wayne Lyman Morton, Thruston Ballard Moscoso Mora Rodriguez, Jose Teodoro Moss, Frank Edward Moss, John Emerson Moynihan, Daniel Patrick Mundt, Karl Ernst Munoz Marin, Luis Murrow, Edward Roscoe Muskie, Edmund Sixtus My Lai Massacre (1968) Nader, Ralph National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) National Organization for Women (NOW) Native Americans Nelson, Gaylord Anton Neuberger, Maurine Brown New Deal New Frontier New Left Nitze, Paul Henry Nixon, Richard Milhous Nolting, Frederick Ernest, Jr. Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Norstad, Lauris O'Brien, Lawrence Francis O'Donnell, Kenneth Patrick Operation Breadbasket Orrick, William Horsley, Jr. Oswald, Lee Harvey Outer Space Treaty (1967) Pacification Passman, Otto Ernest Pastore, John Orlando Patman, John William Wright Patterson, John Malcolm Pauling, Linus Carl Peace Corps Pearson, Andrew Russell Pell, Claiborne de Borda Physical Fitness Pittman, Steuart Lansing Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr. Powers, David Francis Powers, Francis Gary Press Prettyman, Elijah Barrett Prohibition Proxmire, Edward William PT-109 Randolph, Asa Philip Ray, James Earl Rayburn, Samuel Taliaferro Reischauer, Edwin Oldfather Republican Party Reston, James Barrett Reuss, Henry Schoellkopf Reuther, Walter P. Rhodes, John Jacob Ribicoff, Abraham Alexander Rickover, Hyman George Robertson, A. Willis Rockefeller, Nelson Aldrich Rockwell, George Lincoln Romney, George Wilcken Rooney, John James Roosa, Robert Vincent Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Rostow, Walt Whitman Rousselot, John Harbin Rowan, Carl Thomas Ruby, Jack Rudd, Mark Rusk, David Dean Russell, Richard Brevard Rustin, Bayard Ryan, William Fitts Volume 3 Salinger, Pierre Emil George Saltonstall, Leverett Samuelson, Paul Anthony Sanders, Carl Edward Scali, John Alfred Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, Jr. Scott, Hugh Doggett Scranton, William Warren Seaborg, Glenn Theodore Seale, Bobby Search and Destroy Policy Shoup, David Monroe Shriver, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, R. Sargent Shuman, Charles Baker Simkin, William Edward Sinatra, Francis Albert Sirhan, Sirhan B. Smathers, George Armistead Smith, Howard Worth Smith, Jean Kennedy Smith, Margaret Chase Smith, Stephen Edward Sorensen, Theodore Chaikin Space Program Sparkman, John Jackson Spellman, Francis Joseph Spock, Benjamin Stahr, Elvis Jacob, Jr. Stanton, Frank Steel Industry Stennis, John Cornelius Stettinius, Edward Reilly, Jr. Stevenson, Adlai Ewing Stewart, Potter Stimson, Henry Lewis Stone, Isidor Feinstein Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) Sullivan, William Healy Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs Swidler, Joseph Charles Symington, William Stuart Taft, Robert Alphonso Talmadge, Herman Eugene Taylor, Maxwell Davenport Teller, Edward Terry, Luther Leonidas Thomas, Albert Langston Thomas, Norman Mattoon Thompson, Frank, Jr. Thompson, Llewellyn E., Jr. Tlatelolco, Treaty of (1967) Tower, John Goodwin Trade Expansion Act (1962) Truman, Harry S. Truth in Lending Act (1968) Udall, Stewart Lee Unions Unruh, Jesse Marvin Upward Bound Urban Mass Transport Administration Urban Riots of the 1960s Vietnam VISTA Voting Rights Act (1965) Wagner, Robert Ferdinand, Jr. Walker, Edwin Anderson Wallace, George Corley Walter, Francis Eugene War on Poverty Warren, Earl Warren Commission Watson, Thomas John, Jr. Watts Riot (1965) Weaver, Robert Clifton Webb, James Edwin Welch, Robert Henry Winborne, Jr. Westmoreland, William C. White, Byron Raymond White, Theodore Harold Whittaker, Charles Evans Wiesner, Jerome Bert Wilderness Act of 1964 Wiley, Alexander Wilkins, Roy Williams, Gerhard Mennen Williams, Harrison Arlington, Jr. Williams, John Bell Williams, John James Wilson, Robert Carlton Wirtz, William Willard Women's Liberation Movement Work Incentive Program of 1967 Yarborough, Ralph Webster Yarmolinsky, Adam Yost, Charles Woodruff Young, Whitney Moore Zorin-McCloy Agreement (1961) Zuckert, Eugene M. Appendix I: Documents Appendix II: Officeholders during the Kennedy Administration Annotated Bibliography Index
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This work provides an important foundation for understanding and assessing the people and key events of the Kennedy era. Summing Up: Recommended.
An expansive reference that overviews John F. Kennedy's presidency, covering the people, places, and events that comprised the political landscape of the Kennedy era.
A compelling timeline of JFK's presidency plots out major events


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Biographical note

Joseph M. Siracusa, PhD, is professor of human security and international diplomacy and associate dean of international and justice studies at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia.