Wide-ranging, learned, and full of the insights of a lifetime of scholarship.
Kirkus Reviews
The author of these 'Reflections' brings to his task the fruits of a lifetime's study of international politics in general and Communism in particular....His critique is couched in moderate terms and he wisely resists the temptation to claim infallibility for his own earlier judgments.
The Times Literary Supplement
Walter Laqueur has provided us with yet another collection of lucid insights into the political history of the former Soviet Union and the failure of western Sovietologists to predict the Soviet collapse.
European Studies Journal
Walter Laqueur, a distinguished scholar of Soviet and Russian affairs, has written what he calls an 'inquest' into what went wrong with the Soviet Union....If Laqueur is tentative regarding the causes of the Soviet failure, he is scathing in his critique of "Sovietology (particularly American, British, and German) for its failure to anticipate the collapse of the Soviet system.
The Russian Review
Once again, Laqueur, the author of numerous books and articles on Communist affairs and other aspects of contemporary history, tells us much that is truly worth knowing about a topic of genuine importance.
An important, polemic work...this should provoke overdue self-examination among observers of the ex-USSR. For Soviet studies collections.
Library Journal
Laqueur offers a measured and judicious assessment of how we saw the Soviet Union, and how the Soviets saw themselves.
Wilson Library Bulletin
The Dream That Failed...offers an impressive display of Laqueur's knowledge and intellectual powers.
The New Leader