The vast majority of those living under Nazi control were either complicit or turned a blind eye to what was happening. Yet a few, at great risk to their own lives, did all they could to save Jews from capture and death. They are a crucial reminder that the Holocaust was not inevitable. It was not written in fate. There were choices to be made. Tim Dowley does a vital job in telling the stores of ten of the brave men and women who did dare to stand up against the cruelty of the times . Simply and vividly told, these lives both inspire and challenge us.
Richard Harries, author of 'After the Evil: Christianity and Judaism in the shadow of the holocaust.'
Some books have to be written. Some stories have to be told. Defying the Holocaust will make your heart pound. It will bring you to tears. Its stories will inspire you. Its message will change you.
Steve Chalke, MBE, author of The Lost Message of Paul