My wish is that I have opened your eyes to the false utopia being offered by Wall Street and the businesses and governments they support." - Dr Susanne Trimbath<p>"These essays are a critical element in the continuing discussion of inequality and the growing power of a small financial elite" - Joel Kotkin, editor of</p>
Biographical note
Susanne Trimbath holds a Ph.D. in Economics from New York University and received her MBA in Management from Golden Gate University. Prior to forming STP Advisory Services, Dr. Trimbath was Senior Research Economist in Capital Studies at Milken Institute (Santa Monica, CA) and Senior Advisor on the Russian Capital Markets Project (USAID-funded) with KPMG in Moscow and St. Petersburg. She started her career in financial services operations at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Since 1989, Dr. Trimbath has taught economics and finance in university graduate and undergraduate programs as adjunct, associate and full-time professor. Dr. Trimbath helped create the Transportation Performance Index for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (Washington, D.C.) which she used to demonstrate the real economic payoff of investments in infrastructure.Dr. Trimbath authored, edited and contributed chapters to five books, including Mergers and Efficiency (2002), Beyond Junk Bonds (2003), and Methodological Issues in Accounting Research (2006). Her media credits include appearances on national television and radio programs (CNBC's Power Lunch and NPR's Marketplace) and the Bloomberg report Phantom Shares. Dr. Trimbath's articles appear in the national publications US Banker, The International Economy, and The American Enterprise in addition to academic, peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Trimbath is a contributing editor at