Herve This takes virtual cliche dishes and tells you what scientific principles go into their successful preparation. His book, while erudite, allusive, precise, and full of cultural insights, also has charm, wit, and brevity. -- Albert Sonnenfeld, translator of Food Is Culture and Culture of the Fork: A Brief History of Everyday Food and Haute Cuisine in Europe Herve This's major contribution is that food is an act of love and is linked to the pursuit of happiness. Building a Meal is the book of a 'bon vivant' and provides an excellent antidote to despair and depression. Its pages celebrate food and life. -- Jeanine P. Plottel, Hunter College [A] wide-ranging, deeply engaging scientific deconstruction of classic dishes. Publishers Weekly (starred review) A beautifully written treatise on the tenets of molecular gastronomy and cooking's role in modern society. -- Natalie Fasano Eats.com This wonderful book by chemist/chef This continues the exploration of this profound way of looking at eating, cooking, and science. Choice Anyone with a passion for cooking or science is sure to find this a captivating and effortless read. Sacramento Book Review For those who have heard the term 'molecular gastronomy' but don't really know what it entails, this is a highly recommended book that will serve as a great starter to a relatively new subject. For everyone else it is is just highly recommended. Yum.fi