<p>'In Become Ungovernable, H.L.T. Quan offers us possibilities for rescuing the concept of democracy from its fatal entanglement with racial, heteropatriarchal capitalism. This phenomenal text urges us to seek radical democratic futures, not in more equitable modes of governance, but rather in revolutionary community-making practices - especially those emanating from anti-racist and abolition feminist traditions.'</p>
- Angela Y. Davis,
<p>'Quite simply a brilliant, original, and capacious work of political theory anchored in an erudite analysis of core concepts like representative democracy, democratic elitism, authoritarianism, white supremacy, heteropatriarchy, justice, and governance. A compelling and inspiring book that belongs in our movements and our classrooms.'</p>
- Chandra Talpade Mohanty, author of 'Feminism Without Borders, Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity',
<p>'An elegantly written masterpiece that covers a breathtaking amount of intellectual, political, and geographic territory: from the pre-Civil War American South to rebellions in northern China to the Zapatista experiment in Chiapas, Mexico. Building on a vast body of feminist, Black radical, and abolitionist literature, H.L.T. Quan calls for a feminist ethic of care as a guiding principle for the future, rejecting state-centered solutions as non-solutions to our collective longing for freedom and free spaces.'</p>
- Barbara Ransby, historian, writer, longtime activist, author of 'Making All Black Lives Matter',
<p>'A masterpiece expression of H.L.T. Quan's lifework. Reflecting analytical, theoretical, and creative insights cultivated through 25+ years as a documentary filmmaker and several decades as one of the most careful, uncompromising, thoughtful critical caretakers of the living Black radical archive conceptualized by the late, great Cedric Robinson, this book is a gift to all who are serious about the conjoined tasks of abolition and liberation.'</p>
- Dylan Rodrguez, University of California at Riverside, founding member of Critical Resistance and Cops Off Campus,
<p>'An unruly book. Leaping across broad swaths of time and space, H.L.T. Quan exposes the prison house of liberal antidemocracy and the accumulation of rebellions inside in order to construct a theory of democracy as radical praxis. "Democratic living," as she calls it, refuses the tyranny of order, embraces the unruliness of collective struggle, and recognizes freedom not as a destination but practicean abolitionist, feminist, anticapitalist, antiracist, radically inclusive practice. In other words, to preserve life and break liberalism's hold, we have to make a living. Quan shows us a way.'</p>
- Robin D. G. Kelley, author of 'Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination',