Aus den Rezensionen: "... Der band beschaftigt sich mit der orientierenden Funktion von weltanschauungen, mit verschiedenen "Modellen" von Weltanschauungen sowie mit dem Umgang mit den Anderen aus interkulturellel Perspektive. ... Die Herausgeberinnen begrussen die Diversitat der zum Teil sehr verschieden ausgerichteten Texte, ... Diese inhaltliche/Methodologische Heterogenitat der Texte ist durchaus interressant Lediglich die Sorgfaltigkeit des Lektorats lasst fur den uberaus stolzen preis leider zu wunschen ubrig. Immerhin besteht die Moglichkeit, beim Verlag samtliche Beitrage einzeln als elektronische Version (PDF) zu beziehen." (Caroline Herfert, in: polylog Zeitschrift fur Interkulturelles Philosophieren, 2010, Vol. 23, S. 146 f.)
Biographical note
Nicole Note
Born in Belgium, studied Cultures and Languages of South America in Leiden, the Nederlands, worked during more than 10 years in different NGO’s (international NG0 South-North Network Cultures and Development) Brussels, and UCOS (University Centre for Development Cooperation), Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB). PhD in Moral Sciences, VUB. Post-doctoral fellow at the Interdisciplinary Centre Leo Apostel, (Clea) VUB.
Raúl Fornet-Betancourt
Born in 1946 in Holguín (Cuba). Resides in Germany form 1972. He has a PhD in Philosophy (University of Salamanca, Spain) and a PhD in Linguistics and Theology (University of Aachen). Currently he is professor at the University of Bremen and Aachen, and invited professor of the Universidad Pontificia de México and the Universidad Unisinos en São Leopoldo (Brasil). Moreover is he director of the section on Latin América at The International Catholic Missionary Action ‘Missio’ (Aachen). He has organised various congresses worldwide and can be called one of the founding fathers of intercultural philosophy. He has written about 200 hundred works.
Josef Estermann
Born in Switzerland, studied Theology and Philosophy in Lucerne, Nijmegen, Utrecht and Amsterdam. Ph.D. in Philosophy and M.A. in Theology. Eight years of field experience in Cusco (Peru), five years as Director of the Institute of Missiology in Aachen (Germany), five years as professor and researcher at the Higher Ecumenical Andean Theological Institute ISEAT in La Paz (Bolivia); professor at the Bolivian Catholic University and the State University UMSA in La Paz (Bolivia). National Coordinator of the Bethlehem Mission (BMI) in Bolivia. Married and father of three children.
Diederik Aerts
Is professor at the 'Brussels Free University (Vrije Universiteit Brussel - VUB)' and director of the 'Leo Apostel Centre (CLEA)', an interdisciplinary andinteruniversity (VUB, UGent, KULeuven) research centre, where researchers of different disciplines work on interdisciplinary projects. He is also head of the research group 'Foundations of the Exact Sciences (FUND)' at the VUB. He is editor of the international journal 'Foundations of Science (FOS)' and a board member of the 'Worldviews group', founded by the philosopher Leo Apostel, which investigates the possibility of constructing integrated worldviews, taking into account the recent scientific findings. He was the scientific and artistic coordinator of the 'Einstein meets Magritte' conference, where the world's leading scientists and artists gathered to reflect about science, nature, human action and society. The material of the conference has been published in an eight-volume series by by Springer and VUBPress.