This topically organized collection is intended as an introduction to the many varied voices of ancient philosophy that involves the reader directly in the issues. Rather than proceeding chronologically through different systems, the student engages with a variety of contributions to issues of continuing relevance. A wide diversity of areas, methods, and traditions is presented in a way that recaptures their original freshness. Annas provides substantial commentary on the reading that uncovers the main lines of argument and encourages students to think about problems. In addition she includes biographical sketches of the thinkers, a chronological timeline, and short discussions of the major movements in ancient philosophy.
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This topically organized collection is intended as an introduction to the many varied voices of ancient philosophy that involves the reader directly in the issues. Rather than proceeding chronologically, the student engages with a variety of contributions to issues of continuing relevance.
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List of Boxed Material: Preface: Introduction: Chronological Sketch of Ancient Philosophy: Timeline: 1. FATE AND FREEDOM Homer, Iliad 16, 512-548 Lucian, Zeus Answers a Few Awkward Questions A.: PRAISE, BLAME, AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR ACTIONS Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics III, 5 The Stoics on Fate Alexander of Aphrodisias, On Fate 22 The Stoics on Moral Responsibility Cicero, On Fate 40-43 Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights 7.2, 6-13 Alexander of Aphrodisias, On Fate 11-14 Epicurus, On Nature 34, 26-30 Diogenes of Oenoanda, Epicurean Inscription fragment 54, II-III Lucretius, On the Nature of Things 2, 251-293 B.: RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE LIVES WE LEAD Plato, Republic 10 (the Myth of Er) Alcinous, Handbook of Platonism 26 C.: DIVINE FOREKNOWLEDGE OF THE FUTURE Alexander of Aphrodisias, On Fate 30-31 Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy 5 D.: IS THE FUTURE FIXED? Aristotle, On Interpretation Diodorus Cronus, The Master Argument (Epictetus, Discourses 11.19, 1-5 The Stoics on Possibility and Necessity Cicero, On Fate 12-15 Alexander of Aphrodisias, On Fate 10 2. REASON AND EMOTION A.: EXPLANATION OF INNER CONFLICT Plato, Republic 4, 436a-444a Plato, Republic 9, 588b-590d Plato, Phaedrus 253d-254e B.: WHAT IS AN EMOTION? Aristotle, Rhetoric II, part of 1,2,5,8 Aristotle, Niomachean Ethics II, 1, parts of 2 and 3; IV, 5 The Early Stoics on the Emotions Seneca, On Anger I, 7-9, 12-14, 17-18; II, 1-4, 6-10, 28 C.: A TEST CASE Euripides, Medea 1021-1080 Epictetus, Discourses I, 28,1-9; II, 17, 17-25 Galen, On the Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato III, 3, 13-24 D.: REASON, THE EMOTIONS, AND FAITH The Fourth Book of Maccabees selections 3. KNOWLEDGE, BELIEF, AND SKEPTICISM A.: KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERTISE Plato, Laches 189d-201c B.: KNOWLEDGE AND TRUE BELIEF Plato, Meno 80a-86d, 96b-99e Plato, Theaetetus 200d-201c C.: RELATIVISM Plato, Theaetetus 166e-172b, 177c-179b D.: THE STRUCTURE OF A SYSTEM OF KNOWLEDGE Plato, Republic 475b-484a, 507b-511e, 514a-518d, 523a-525b, 531c-535a Aristotle, Posterior Analytics I, 1-3; II, 19 Aristotle, Metaphysics I, 1-3; II, 1 Aristotle, Parts of Animals I, 5 E.: KNOWLEDGE FROM EXPERIENCE Epicurus on Knowledge The Stoics on Knowledge F.: SKEPTICISM Plato, Theaetetus 148c-151d Sextus Empiricus, Outlines of Pyrrhonism I, 1-30, 100-117;III, 1-12 4. METAPHYSICAL QUESTIONS A.: REALITY AND PARADOX Parmenides, The Way of Truth fragments 1-8 Zeno of Elea, Arguments against Motion B.: PLATO'S FORMS: FOR AND AGAINST Plato, Phaedo 73c-76e Plato, Phaedo 78c-79a Plato, Symposium 209e-212a Plato, Republic 596a-597e Plato, Parmenides 128e-135c Diogenes of Sinope, Lives of the Philosophers VI, 53 The Stoics on Plato's Forms Aristotle, On Forms C.: CAUSE AND EXPLANATION Hippocratic Writings, The Sacred Disease selections Plato, Phaedo 96a-101e Aristotle, On Coming-to-Be and Passing-Away II, 9 Aristotle, Physics II, 3, 7-9 Plutarch, Life of Pericles 6 The Epicureans against Teleology D.: TIME Aristotle, Physics IV, 10-11, 14 The Stoics on Time Augustine, Confessions XI, selections 5. HOW SHOULD YOU LIVE? A.: THE STARTING POINT FOR ETHICAL REFLECTION Aristotle, Rhetoric I, 5 (extract) Herodotus, Histories I, 29-34 B.: THE FIRST THEORIES: VIRTUE AND HAPPINESS Democritus, Fragments on Ethics Plato, Gorgias, 468e-479e C.: THE MAJOR THEORIES Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics I, 1,2,4,5,7-10 The Stoics Cicero, On Final Ends III, 16-17, 20-26, 32-39, 42-71 The Epicureans Epicurus, Letter to Menoeceus 121-135 Cicero, On Final Ends I, 29-33, 37-70 D.: DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS Plato, Theaetetus, 172b-177c The Gospel of Matthew 5, 2-20 Plotinus, Enneads I, 4 6. SOCIETY AND THE STATE A.: IS NATURE OR CONVENTION THE BASIS OF SOCIETY AND THE STATE? Plato, Protagoras 320c-323c Antiphon the Sophist, Fragment 7 Plato, Gorgias 482e-484c Plato, Crito 50a-54e Plato, Repubic 358c-360d Aristotle, Politics I, 2 Aristotle, Politics III, 9 Epicureans Epicurus, Principal Doctrines 31-38 Diogenes of Oenoanda, Epicurean Inscription fragment 56 Cicero, On Duties III, 37-39 Stoicism Cicero, On Laws I, 17-35, 42-45 B.: POLITICAL RULE: EXPERTISE AND THE RULE OF LAW Twofold Arguments 7 Plato0 Republic 488a-489c Plato, Statesman 291d-303b Aristotle, Politics I, 1; III, 4,11 C.: DEMOCRACY AND THE BEST FORM OF GOVERNMENT Herodotus, Histories III, 80-83 The Old Oligarch Aristotle, Politics IV, 3,4,7-9.11 Polybius, Histories, VI, 2 Further Reading
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"A provocative selection of readings. I am highly impressed. And at a price affordable to the student!"--Wendy C. Hamblet, California State University, Stanislaus "It is a pleasure to see an introductory reader on ancient philosophy organized around key philosophical problems. An excellent selection of topics and readings."--David Bowen, University of North Florida
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"A provocative selection of readings. I am highly impressed. And at a price affordable to the student!"--Wendy C. Hamblet, California State University, Stanislaus "It is a pleasure to see an introductory reader on ancient philosophy organized around key philosophical problems. An excellent selection of topics and readings."--David Bowen, University of North Florida
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Topical organization quickly engages readers with the important debates of ancient philosophy
Julia Annas is Regents Professor of Philosophy at the University of Arizona.
Topical organization quickly engages readers with the important debates of ancient philosophy


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Biographical note

Julia Annas is Regents Professor of Philosophy at the University of Arizona.