Biographical note
Waldomiro J. Silva Filho is Associate Professor of Epistemology at Federal University of Bahia, Brazil, and Researcher Grantee from the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). e was visting scholar in the Department of Philospphy at Harvard University (2009-2010) and in the Department of Linguistics and Philospphy at MIT (2015-2016). He coordinates the Grup of Research Mind, Knowledge, Reality. His research interests are in skepticism, moral philosophy, virtue epistemology.
Luca Tateo is visiting professor of Cultural Psychology at the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil), and Honorary Associate in School of Psychology within the Faculty of Science, Sydney University (Australia). He has been Associate Professor in Epistemology and History of Cultural Psychology at the Centre for Cultural Psychology, Aalborg University (Denmark). His research interests are the study of imaginative processes as higherpsychological functions, the epistemology and history of psychological sciences, the art of psychology and the affective logic in atmospheric dynamics. He is chief editor of the book series “Innovations n Qualitative Research”, Information Age Publishing, and co-editor in chief of the journal” Human Arenas. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Psychology, Culture, and Meaning”, Springer.