`an eloquent commentary, objections posed and counterposed, and strengths and weaknesses pointedly delineated.'
Vivian Nutton, Times Literary Supplement
'Hankinson's English translation of the first two books of On the therapeutic method presents for the first time in a modern language Galen's own introduction to his nost complete treatise on diseases, their therapy and the theoretical problems involved. Hankinson submits Galen's views to a close logical scrutiny, as a result of which their strengths and weaknesses are highlighted. This painstaking work will surely stimulate further discussions.'
Stefania Fortuna, Wellcome Institute, Medical History, 1992
'Oxford University Press's new series Clarendon Later Ancient Philosophers is designed to make later ancient philosophy accessible to students of philosophy ... It makes a good star with Galen, On the Therapeutic Method Books I and II ... the argument raises interesting points of scientific epistemology.'
Greece & Rome, April 1993
`This very welcome translation of the first two books of Galen's De methodo medendi appears in the Clarendon Later Ancient Philosophers series ... Hankinson provides a brief introduction, including thoroughly-referenced summaries of Galen's life, philosophical outlook and medical background, as well as a good bibliography, a name index and a philosophically-oriented subject index ... The translation is a good one, and the commentary lively and informed ... philosophers and medical historians alike must be gratefulto Hankinson for bringing at least some of De methodo medendi to a wider audience of modern seekers after truth.'
The Classical Review