Dickinson argues for more fluid fertile borderlands between philosophy and theology. Deploying a dialectics of 'double negation' he critiques the mega-narratives of modernity in order to open a new 'logics' of transfusion between faith and reason. This allows for a positive revisiting of the roots of theological inquiry while embracing the most robust resources of postmodern thinking. A timely, bold and engaging work.
- Richard Kearney, Charles Seelig Professor of Philosophy, Boston College,
This book is more than a masterful mapping of a huge swath of contemporary theology and continental philosophy. Dickinson’s negative dialectic is also a cookbook of risky strategies—so many spiritual exercises on offer to us-- which situate living thought along a precarious fault line of disenchantment and hope that neither philosophy nor theology can successfully manage.
- Ward Blanton, Reader in Biblical Cultures and European Thought, University of Kent,
Dickinson is one of our best guides to the leading edges where continental philosophy and theology intersect. In Theology and Contemporary Continental Philosophy, he offers a concise, accessible overview of this interaction. The negative dialectics of philosophy are entangled with negative theology to generate a weakened but transformative discourse that opens up both to other, nondualist ways of thinking.
- Clayton Crockett, Professor and Director of Religious Studies, University of Central Arkansas,