"Derrida did not plan to publish For Strasbourg, but it is an illuminating addition to his legacy," -Times Literary Supplement "This volume gathers some of Derrida's last texts, from 2002 to 2004, as he was engaged in fascinating discussions with Jean-Luc Nancy and Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe about questions of sovereignty, event, responsibility, friendship, hospitality, singularity, community, the people, the human and animality, and his own relation to Heidegger and to the "Strasbourg school." More poignantly, Derrida develops extraordinary meditations on death, on his own death, on dying alone or together, on survival and disappearance, on eternity, immortality and finitude, returning to the notions of trace, spectrality, and mourning. This is a moving and extraordinarily rich volume, which reveals Derrida's final philosophical reflections." -- -Francois Raffoul Louisiana State University