"In this provocative analysis Han agitates against contemporary notions of smooth air-brushed beauty. Instead he pleads for an aesthetic based on a generative, creative, commitment to truth that can encompass negativity injury and disaster. Ranging from pornography to classical literature this <i>tour de force</i> of thinking about our understanding of beauty reminds us that philosophy can have teeth. Han writes with a compelling urgency about how we live in the here and now, but also how we could live better. <i>Saving Beauty</i> is an aesthetic call to arms; an example of how philosophy can militate for a better world and make us see anew." <br /> <b>Karen Leeder, Oxford University<br /><br /></b> <p>“Thrilling… a passionate and engaging read on a notion of beauty that has lost its standing in a digitized world.”<br /><b><i>Philosophy Today</i></b></p>