Biographical note
Robert French is a philosopher with degrees from Dartmouth College and Boston University. He has taught at a variety of colleges and universities in the Detroit, Michigan area. His research interests include work in the philosophy of perception (in particular on how events in the phenomenal space of visual experience are reconstructed from neural events in the brain) and work in developing a physically realist interpretation of quantum mechanics. Among other publications he is co-editor with John Smythies of Direct versus Indirect Realism: A Neurophilosophical Debate published by Elsevier.
Berit Brogaard is Professor of Philosophy and Cooper Fellow at the University of Miami. Her areas of research include philosophy of perception, philosophy of emotions, and philosophy of language. She is the author of Transient Truths (Oxford University Press, 2012), On Romantic Love (Oxford University Press, 2015), The Superhuman Mind (Penguin, 2015), Seeing & Saying (Oxford University Press, 2018), and Hatred: Understanding our Most Dangerous Emotion (Oxford University Press, 2020).