<p>"<em>Refractions of Violence</em> is a work of incidental greatness. Setting out to write a series of occasional pieces largely centering on issues of visuality and visual culture, Jay has produced almost as a side-effect a sustained and penetrating inquiry into the 'finite economy' of violence in the contemporary world. As a further, unexpected bonus, he has given us an intimate, witty, nuanced, and altogether memorable account of the conditions of intellectual life in a culture of extremity. All the many virtues of Jay's remarkable oeuvre are in evidence here, but in a form at once accessible and deeply serious, informal and fully engaged." -- Geoffrey Galt Harpham, National Humanities Center<br />"Well known for his histories of comprehensive scope and conceptual drive, such as <em> Marxism and Totality</em> and <em>Downcast Eyes: The Denigration of Vision in</em><em>Twentieth-Century French Thought</em>, Martin Jay is also one of most astute analysts of contemporary culture. <em>Refractions of Violence</em> shows him at his best, developing lucid insights into the new force of violence today, exploring its strange symbiosis with visual culture, tracking its unpredictable effects in political debate, delivering his critical assessments with characteristic curiosity, sensitivity, and generosity." -- Hal Foster, Townsend Martin Professor of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University<br />"The 20th century has been called the age of extremes. The 21st may well become known as the age of violence. In this broad-ranging series of essays -- for the most part scholarly but at times striking a personal note -- Martin Jay skillfully traces the multiple intersecting rays cast by violence and its representations in both elite and popular culture. This excellent book should be of great interest not only to historians but to anyone wanting greater insight into a troubled present as it is shaped by a turbulent past." -- Dominick LaCapra, Bryce and Edith M. Bowmar Professor of Humanistic Studies, Cornell University</p>
Biographical note
Martin Jay is Professor of History at University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of several books including Fin-de-Siéle Socialism and Other Essays (1988), Force Fields (1993) and co-editor of Vision in Context (1996), all published by Routledge.