<p>'This ideologically diverse collection is uniformly well-written and exceedingly informative. The inescapable and unavoidable conclusion it renders is that the Russian Revolution of 1917 delivered a mighty blow against colonialism, imperialism and forms of apartheid alike. Simultaneously, by implication it blazes the trail and illuminates the way forward for those seeking to create a better world.' <br />Gerald Horne, author of <i>Paul Robeson: The Artist as Revolutionary<br /><br />'</i>Featherstone and Høgsbjerg must be credited with putting together a fantastic edited collection which makes both an important contribution to keeping alive, and shedding new light on, herstories and histories of Black radical rebellion. In doing so, they have further reminded us of the struggles that have, in different ways, been central to the Black Lives Matter movement in recent times, as well as wider transnational (and interconnected) opposition to neo-imperialism.'<br />Stephen D. Ashe, University of Durham, <i>Ethnic and Racial Studies <br /></i></p>
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Biographical note
David Featherstone is a Reader in Human Geography in the School of Geographical & Earth Sciences at the University of Glasgow
Christian Høgsbjerg is a Senior Lecturer in Critical History and Politics in the School of Humanities at the University of Brighton