lyrical and moving...
Publishers Weekly
<i>Rapture</i> is a very pleasant, well-written, intelligent, and inspiring essay on the many meanings of human lives.
Daily Philosophy
This book deserves to be widely read because it is so openly and concretely engaged in how we live our lives. It offers a rare combination of a brilliant mind devoted to the interests of people with a capacity to avoid pomposity and self-importance. Hamilton’s writing is crisp and clear, with exquisite taste and exemplary concision.
- Charles F. Altieri, author of <i>Literature, Education, and Society: Bridging the Gap</i>,
Compiling resources and experiences that bring the phenomenon of rapture into focus, Hamilton makes intriguing connections and models the thoughtfulness characteristic of philosophy at its best. There are numerous nuggets of insight that will open up new ways of thinking for readers. I finished the book wanting more.
- Vincent Lloyd, author of <i>In Defense of Charisma</i>,