Hwa Yol Jung creatively works through the historical shifts from Vico to McLuhan and onto Baktin, Arendt and Levinas that have revised the acts of reading and interpretation through which we enlarge our own cultural identities.
- John O'Neill, York University,
Hwa Yol Jung is a leading pioneer of intercultural understanding and engagement. Undercutting the Western supremacy of the ego cogito, his long string of publications has made room for complex and surprising networks of transversality. Prolegomena to a Carnal Hermeneutics constitutes the pinnacle of his life-long quest. Casting the net wide and deep, his book yields a treasure trove of transversal geophilosophy: from Vico to Heidegger, from Merleau-Ponty and Bakhtin to Kyoto's Hoshi and China's yin/yang, and much, much more.
- Fred Dallmayr, University of Notre Dame,