'David Grant's latest book is interdisciplinary work of the best kind, sweeping across the usual boundaries. He gives us a fresh, ambitious and potentially highly significant new concept of privacy in which neurotechnology is seen as a potential benefit rather than inevitably a threat. The promise of a new approach built around respect and responsibility is particularly attractive and timely.' David Dixon, author of Law in Policing and From Prohibition to Regulation
'This is a formidable work: closely argued, wide-ranging, well-informed and bold. It combines philosophical history and argument, close familiarity with recent advances in the neuroscience and the many planets of the cyberverse, with reflection on their human impacts and what might and should be done with and about them. From all this emerges an original and challenging theory of the nature and conditions of privacy in a modern hyper-technologized world. There is much to argue with here. It is all worth the argument.' Martin Krygier, author of Philip Selznick: Ideals in the World