Biographical note
Olof Pettersson is postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Philosophy, University of Bergen. Besides his dissertation on Plato’s notion of appetite, he is the author of several articles on Plato and is published in a range of international journals. His focus of research is ancient philosophy with a particular interest in Plato’s notion of non-argumentative means of influence and their linguistic underpinnings. Currently he works on a project on Plato’s critique of language.
Vigdis Songe-Møller is professor emerita at the Department of Philosophy, University of Bergen. She is author of Philosophy Without Women. The Birth of Sexism in Western Thought and two volumes on pre-Socratic philosophy. Her focus of research has been feminist interpretations of ancient Green texts, especially by Hesiod, Anaximander, Parmenides, and Plato. She leads the research project Poetry and Philosophy. Poetical and Argumentative Elements of Plato's Philosophy.