An important book, because it reminds us philosophy is not just about analysis. It's also about the good life.
- Matthew Syed, Times books of the year
Instructive and thought-provoking...shows philosophy is not just for stuffy classrooms
Financial Times
This wonderful book shows how modern psychology is consistent with the best that was thought and known in the Ancient World...also beautifully written
Lord Richard Layard, author, Happiness: Lessons From A New Science
A revelation
- Alexander Linklater, Observer
Hugely enjoyed <i>Philosophy for Life</i>. Am an avid fan of classical philosophy & this book applies it thoroughly & beautifully.
- Derren Brown,
It changed my life.
- Adrian Edmondson,
Witty and accessible…Highly recommended.
The Psychologist magazine
A brilliant and timely book.
- Tom Hodgkinson, author of How to Be Free,
Splendid, readable and engaging on philosophy as a way of life.
- Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks,
A vibrant book, showing how vivid and topical ancient wisdom is to life in the present day.
- Anthony Seldon, Headmaster, Wellington College,