`These pieces, brought together in a well-produced book, are a variety of insights, all solidly, though in varying degrees, backed by evidence.' International Hobbes Association Newsletter
`excellent volume ... this is a rewarding book' Tracy B. Strong, University of California, British Journal for the History of Science
'excellent collection of essays ... It provides a good account of the state of scholarship on one who remains one of the most notorious political thinkers and shows the continued liveliness of the debates about his life and work.' Sylvana Tomaselli, British Journal for Eighteenth Century Studies, 15:1
'the 400th anniversary of Hobbes' birth occasioned asking some Hobbes scholars of note to contribute hopefully worthy articles ... In the main, this editorial intention succeeded: of the nine papers that compose the collection a number are very fine.' Philosophia, Volume 21, Nos. 3-4, April 1992
'an important collection' Mark Goldie, Churchill College, Cambridge, EHR, Apr. 92