<p>"This book contributes importantly to our understanding of European integration in a troubled period and is a valuable addition to the study of elites." </p><p>John Higley, <em>Professor of Government and Sociology, University of Texas at Austin; Chair of IPSA Research Committee on Political Elites</em></p><p>"In spite of the paramount relevance assigned to elites in virtually all political processes, most publications are still focused on mass-level citizens. This book is an exception. With an excellent integration of theoretical approaches and empirical findings, the authors make an invaluable contribution to the increasing literature on the European Union and the roles of elites in multilevel political systems."</p><p>José Ramón Montero<em>, Professor of Political Science, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid</em></p><p>"The entire debate on European citizenship makes a leap forward with this original empirical research so that it will become the standard book for anyone interested in the topic."</p><p><strong>Leonardo Morlino</strong>, <em>Professor of Political Science, School of Government, </em><em>LUISS Guido Carli (Roma - Italy), and President of the International Political Science Association</em></p>