1. Introduction Michael Della Rocca
2. The Virtues of Geometry Aaron Garrett
3. From Maimonides to Spinoza: Three Versions of an Intellectual Transition Kenneth Seeskin
4. Spinoza and Descartes Tad M. Schmaltz
5. The Building Blocks of Spinoza's Metaphysics: Substance, Attributes, and Modes Yitzhak Y. Melamed
6. But Why Was Spinoza a Necessitarian? Charlie Huenemann
7. The Principle of Sufficient Reason in Spinoza Martin Lin
8. Spinoza and the Philosophy of Science: Mathematics, Motion, and Being Eric Schliesser
9. Representation, Misrepresentation, and Error in Spinoza's Philosophy of Mind Don Garrett
10. Finite Subjects in the Ethics: Spinoza on Indexical Knowledge, the First Person and the Individuality of Human Minds Ursula Renz
11. Spinoza on Skepticism Dominik Perler
12. The Highest Good and Perfection in Spinoza John Carriero
13. Spinoza on Mind Olli Koistinen
14. The Intellectual Love of God Steven Nadler
15. The Metaphysics of Affects or the Unbearable Reality of Confusion Lilli Alanen
16. Spinoza's Unorthodox Metaphysics of the Will Karolina Hübner
17. Eternity Chantal Jaquet
18. Spinoza's Philosophy of Religion Carlos Fraenkel
19. Spinoza's Political Philosophy Michael A. Rosenthal
20. Leibniz's Encounter with Spinoza's Monism, October 1675 to February 1678 Mogens Laerke
21. Playing with Fire: Hume, Rationalism, and a Little Bit of Spinoza Michael Della Rocca
22. Kant and Spinoza Debating the Third Antinomy Omri Boehm
23. "Nothing Comes from Nothing": Judaism, the Orient, and Kabbalah in Hegel's Reception of Spinoza Paul Franks
24. Nietzsche and Spinoza: Enemy-BrothersYirmiyahu Yovel
25. Spinoza's Afterlife in Judaism and the Task of Modern Jewish Philosophy Michael L. Morgan
26. Spinoza's Relevance to Contemporary Metaphysics Samuel Newlands
27. Literary Spinoza Rebecca Newberger Goldstein
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