Introduction & Acknowledgements
Abbreviations References to Hume's Writings
List of Contributors
1. Hume's Life and Works - James Harris
Part I Central Themes
2. Naturalism and Skepticism in the Philosophy of Hume - Barry Stroud
3. Reason, Normativity and Hume's "Title Principle" - Don Garrett
4. Reflexivity and Sentiment in Hume's Philosophy - Annette Baier
5. Hume's Skeptical Realism - John Wright
6. Hume's Chief Argument - Peter Millican
7. Hume's Philosophy of Irreligion and the Myth of British Empiricism - Paul Russell
Part II Metaphysics and Epistemology
8. Hume's Theory of Ideas - Wayne Waxman
9. Hume and the Molyneux Problem - Henry E. Allison
10. Hume on Space and Time - Donald L. M. Baxter
11. Hume's Skeptical Logic of Induction - Kenneth P. Winkler
12. Hume and the Problem of Causation - Helen Beebee
13. Hume on the External World - Georges Dicker
14. Hume on Personal Identity - Galen Strawson
Part III Passion, Morality and Politics
15. Hume on Pride and the Other Indirect Passions - Jacqueline Taylor
16. The Nature and Functions of Sympathy in Hume's Philosophy - Rico Vitz
17. Reason, Belief, and the Passions - David Owen
18. Hume on Practical Reason: Against the Normative Authority of Reason - Karl Schafer
19. Hume, Free Will, and Moral Responsibility - Tony Pitson
20. Hume on Is and Ought: Logic, Promises, and the Duke of Wellington- Charles Pigden
21. Hume, Morality, and Skepticism - Simon Blackburn
22. Hume on the Artificial Virtues - Geoffrey Sayre-McCord
23. Hume and Virtue Ethics - Christine Swanton
24. Hume's Political Philosophy - Neil McArthur
Part IV Aesthetics, History, and Economics
25. Hume, Kant and the Standard of Taste - Paul Guyer
26. Hume's Taste and the Rationalist Critique - Peter Kivy
27. Hume's History of England - Donald T. Siebert
28. Hume's Philosophical Economics - Tatsuya Sakamoto
29. Hume on Miracles: It's Part 2 that Matters - Michael Levine
30. Hume and Proofs for the Existence of God - Martin Bell
31.Hume on Evil - Samuel Newlands
32. Hume's Natural History of Religion - Keith Yandell
33. Hume on Suicide - Eugenio Lecaldano
Part V Hume and the Enlightenment
34. Newton and Hume- Yoram Hazony & Eric Schliesser
35. Hume and Smith on Moral Philosophy - Ryan Patrick Hanley
36. Hume and the Contemporary "Common Sense" Critique of Hume - Lorne Falkenstein
Part VI After Hume
37. Hume and Nietzsche - Peter Kail
38. Hume and Cognitive Science - Jesse Prinz
Bibliography and Further Reading
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