Living Philosophy is a remarkable work that fully rises to its title. Philosophy lives in it. Christopher Hamilton brings to his discussion of the great problems of philosophy a penetrating, humane and quite original intelligence. With wisdom, tact and humour he discusses (amongst other things) the fear of death, vanity and destiny, sex, truth and, unusually, our need of sleep. Always the discussion is enriched by reflections on wonderful quotations from philosophers, novelists and poets. In Living Philosophy the reader will find philosophy enlivened by a fine literary sensibility that is in turn disciplined by philosophy. Truly a book to make one think. -- Raimond Gaita, Professor of Moral Philosophy, King's College London and Professor of Philosophy, Australian Catholic University In this hugely stimulating and extremely well-written book, Christopher Hamilton advances a conception of philosophical enquiry which contrasts boldly with the outlook of academic philosophy. In essays on concepts which are of fundamental human importance - birth, destiny, spirit, sexuality, wisdom, death - Hamilton evokes the immense difficulty of grasping human life through philosophical reflection, while raising by several degrees our awareness of the philosophical significance of literature. -- Sebastian Gardner, Department of Philosophy, University College London