Samantha Besson and Jose Luis Marti have produced an excellent state-of-the-art synthesis of contemporary republican theory, which amply illustrates the latter's depth, breath and vitality. They have assembled an impressive team of high-profile advocates of what they call 'legal republicanism', which they present not as a narrowly conceived theory of law but as a 'holistic approach to the political and legal organisation of a republic'. The book, therefore will be of interest not only to legal theorists but also, more generally, to theorists of politics and political philosophers.
Cecile Laborde, Transnational Legal Theory
The volume encompasses both theoretical and more practical approaches and one of its virtues has to be seen in the mutual influence between these two aspects. While the reflection on republican theory may help to deepen our understanding of how institutions ought to work, the republican analysis of legal fields like international or constitutional law may help in defining how to put forward a republican legal theory
Marco Goldoni, Jurisprudence