This book constitutes a multi-dimensional and multi-layered text of great depth and complexity not to be reduced to a single theme. For what it gives us is Henry’s quest to excavate, systematize and articulate Afro Caribbean intellectual production in varied intellectual endeavours such as sociology, literature, political economy and philosophy. The book is not only a negation of but also an antidote to the peripheralization of Caribbean thought. It is a must read for all interested in Caribbean thought’s complexity and depth precisely because it shifts the Geography of Reason.
- Mabogo Percy More, Professor of Philosophy, University of Limpopo,
In these succinct reflections on Caribbean thought through its tortuous journey Paget Henry perceives a clear pattern in the contrapuntal relationship between two seemingly opposing strands, one coming from the "historicism" of WEB DuBois and CLR James and the other from the "poeticism" of Wilson Harris and Sylvia Wynter. However, these strands are joined by invisible threads which could be perceived through a heightened consciousness of "creative realism”.
- Prafulla C. Kar, Professor of English and Director of the Centre for Contemporary Theory, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India,