This book of essays in honor of George Psathas, beyond recognizing and celebrating the teaching and research of this worthy scholar, provides a wide-ranging set of inquiries that span the substantive domains of phenomenological sociology, ethnomethodology, and conversation analysis. Anyone interested in one or more of these domains will not want to miss the inquiries that are assembled in this tome. They are thoughtful, readable, contemporary, and, thereby, give access to current thinking in the areas that Professor Psathas brought forward for sociological appreciation and to which he mightily contributed.
- Douglas W. Maynard, University of Wisconsin—Madison,
In this book the reader will find the widest range of expressions and positions on phenomenological sociology. Numerous valuable contributions contained in this volume are focused on exploring the interface between phenomenology and ethnomethodology; however, its main accomplishment is to illustrate that phenomenological sociology is made by people (men of flesh and blood who live, act and think in the life-world) and that, if it has a meaning and significance for us today, it’s because throughout his life and work George Psathas has started and led the way of this intellectual movement.
- Carlos Belvedere, University of Buenos Aires,
The sheer range of material that this book covers makes it a very interesting read.
There is much of interest in this collection, for students of phenomenology, students of EM, or those who seek to combine the two.
Symbolic Interaction