As a kind of sequel to his monumental Truth and Genesis, Miguel de Beistegui's Immanence - Deleuze and Philosophy lays out the most comprehensive investigation of the 'event' in Deleuze's thought. He expertly shows how Deleuze's ontology of becoming complements and surpasses Heidegger's ontology of being. This book confirms what many people were already thinking - de Beistegui is one of the most original philosophical voices of the 21st century. -- Leonard Lawlor, Sparks Professor of Philosophy, Penn State University As a kind of sequel to his monumental Truth and Genesis, Miguel de Beistegui's Immanence - Deleuze and Philosophy lays out the most comprehensive investigation of the 'event' in Deleuze's thought. He expertly shows how Deleuze's ontology of becoming complements and surpasses Heidegger's ontology of being. This book confirms what many people were already thinking - de Beistegui is one of the most original philosophical voices of the 21st century.