<p>"Challenging the lofty claims of many neuroscientists.... Markus Gabriel has written a wonderfully polemical work. Its clearly developed arguments and lively examples are highly convincing."<br />—<b><i>Die Welt</i></b></p> <p>"It is a rare gift to be able to philosophize from first principles in a way that is neither patronizingly derivative nor technically arcane and in a manner that is accessible to the general reader. But Gabriel possesses that gift in bucketloads."<br />—<b>Simon Critchley, New School for Social Research</b></p> <p>"Markus Gabriel is a speculative wunderkind."<br />—<b><i>Neue Zürcher Zeitüng</i></b></p> <p>"Gabriel's engaging, accessible and incisive introduction to the philosophy of mind tackles the deep problems raised by both classical thinkers and modern neuroscience. Bringing the zombies and homunculi of the philosophical debates together with the Daleks and Fargo, it is as illuminating as it is enjoyable."<br />—<b>Dr. Sacha Golob, King's College London</b></p> <p>"Nowadays, 'The Brain' has taken over all the attributes with which the Modernity endowed 'the Subject.' Against this travesty, Markus Gabriel makes subjectivity as such prominent again and, by so doing, maybe, helps us make better sense of the brain as well."<br />—<b>Jocelyn Benoist, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne</b></p> <p>"Gabriel shows up the flaws and contradictions in reductive theories of mind, based on natural science. His many-facetted argument, where the technical terms are explained in an engaging and available language, with frequent references to contemporary science fiction films and stories, culminates in a powerful vision of 21st-century humanism."<br />—<b>Charles Taylor, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, McGill University</b></p> <p>"Only 37, Gabriel is demonstrating that German philosophers can find a wide audience — without being merely slick or superficial."<br />—<b>Foreign Policy</b></p>
Biographical note
Markus Gabriel was born in 1980 and studied in Heidelberg, Lisbon and New York. Since 2009 he has held the chair for Epistemology at the University of Bonn—and with this appointment he became Germany’s youngest philosophy professor. He is also the director of the International Center for Philosophy in Bonn