Chapter 1. Alexandre Koyré: His Secret Charm.- Chapter 2. Homage to Koyré: Space as Paradigmatic Example of “The Unity of Human Thought”.- Chapter 3. The Philosophers and the Machine”: Philosophy of Mathematics and History of Science in Alexandre Koyré.- Chapter 4. Koyré and Galileo: the Myth of the Leaning Tower’s Scientific Experiment.- Chapter 5. On Galileo’s Platonism, Again.- Chapter 6. Alexandre Koyré and Blaise Pascal.- Chapter 7. Koyré Revolutionary Role in the Historiography of Science.- Chapter 8. Alexandre Koyré’s Essential Features of the Scientific Revolution.- Chapter 9. Koyré, Cassirer and History of Science.- Chapter 10. Alexandre Koyré and the History of Science as a Species of the History of Philosophy: The Cases of Galileo and Descartes .- Chapter 11. ls Descartes’ Theological Voluntarism Compatible with His Philosophy?.- Chapter 12. The Posterity of Koyré’s Galileo Studies.- Chapter 13. Alexandre Koyré, Kepler’s Reader without Prejudices. Harmony of the World, Music of the Heavens.- Chapter 14. The History between Koyré and Husserl.- Chapter 15. Kuhn, Sarton and the History of Science.- Chapter 16. On the Conceptualization of Force in Johannes Kepler’s Corpus: an Interplay between Physics, Mathematics and Metaphysics.- Chapter 17. Koyré versus Olschki-Zilsel.- Chapter 18. Alexandre Koyré, History and Actuality.- Chapter 19. The Pitfalls and Possibilities of Following Koyré: the Young Tom Kuhn, ‘Critical Historian’, on Tradition Dynamics and Big History.- Chapter 20. Alexandre Koyré and the Traditional Interpretation of the Anthropological Consequences of the Copernican Revolution.- Chatper 21. Koyré as a Historian of Religion and the New French Phenomenology.
Biographical note
Prof. Dr. Raffaele Pisano is a Professor, CIREL, Lille 3 University, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. His fields of research and teaching include: history of physics, theoretical physics, historical epistemology of science, history of mathematical physics, comparative, NoS, history and didactics of science.
Prof. Dr. Joseph Agassi is an Emeritus Professor of Tel-Aviv University, Israel and York University, Toronto, Canada. His fields of research and teaching include: philosophy of science, theoretical physics, sociology, mathematical physics, foundations of science, psychology, and anthropology.
Dr. Daria Drozdova is a Senior Lecturer, School of Philosophy, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation. Her fields of research and teaching include: philosophy of science and history of early modern science.