Biographical note
Juan José Gómez is Associate Professor of aesthetics and art theory at the University of Seville. He studies the relationship between art and politics, in particular modern art. He is the author of The PCI Artists: antifascism and Communism in Italian Art: 1944-1951 (2015) and Urbanismo y contraurbanismo de la Revolución Industrial a la Ciudad Global (2020) and curator of Critica, tendencia y propaganda. Textos sobre arte y comunismo (1917-1954) (2004). He has also published various articles and coordinated several book series with volumes on modern art, philosophy and the history of music.
Carlo Verri teaches contemporary history at the University of Palermo. He holds the national scientific qualification as a second-rank professor and is a member of the editorial board of Spagna contemporanea. He is a member of the scholarly committee of the Istituto Gramsci Siciliano and the Centro documentazione e ricerca Trentin-Iveser. He studies antifascism, the Resistance, World War I, the contemporary history of Sicily and Carlism. He has recently published Los carlistas en las Cortes constituyentes (1869-1971), PUZ, Zaragoza, 2023.
Tommaso Baris is associate professor of contemporary history at the University of Palermo and member of the Istituto Gramsci Siciliano and the Fondazione Antonio Gramsci. He has studied Fascism and Republican Italy. His recent works include Andreotti una biografica politica, il Mulino, 2021 and ‘La Resistenza e la nascita della Repubblica’, in Il comunismo italiano nella storia del Novecento, Viella, 2021.