This is a beautifully written and beautifully argued book... I come away from it with a new perception. -- Cynthia Wall Studies in English Literature 2006 Marshall demonstrates an enviable facility with the English, French, and German canon, and at points produces close readings of difficult texts that are nothing short of tour de force. -- Richard Kroll Eighteenth-Century Fiction 2007 The Frame of Art has already received a major accolade: the Louis Gottschalk Prize awarded by the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. It is not hard to see why. -- Richard Kroll Eighteenth-Century Fiction 2007 This book succeeds so brilliantly in its interpretative perspectives. -- Stefan H. Uhlig Modern Philology 2008 Thought-provoking and scrupulously researched. -- Denise Gigante Eighteenth-Century Studies 2007