Gianni Vattimo has long had his finger squarely on the pulse of a world weary of strong, aggressive claims to truth, precisely for fear that such assertions too often result in belligerent intolerance and even in spiritual and physical violence. In A Farewell to Truth, he continues to offer thoughtful and provocative challenges to all those who hold for a naively objective notion of truth. Vattimo's signature 'weak thought' offers readers a theoretical basis for tolerance and pluralism without sacrificing truth claims entirely. Everyone will find in this highly readable volume a stimulating incitement to further thought and animated debate. -- Thomas G. Guarino, Seton Hall University When a major thinker takes pains to bid farewell to a defining project of humanity, as Immanuel Kant did with metaphysics, Karl Marx did with religion, Martin Heidegger did with philosophy, and Gianni Vattimo has done with truth, it is usually not to get rid of it but to reopen it and realize its promise. This is the truth of this provocative book. -- Jean Grondin, Universite de Montreal, author of Introduction to Metaphysics: From Parmenides to Levinas Clearly written, rigorously yet passionately argued, A Farewell to Truth is Gianni Vattimo's exciting philosophical manifesto for a credible political liberation, recognizing how, when faced with postmodern pluralism, the truth can only and necessarily appear as a matter of consensus over collective interpretations and shared paradigms. In this sense, Vattimo's claim that a farewell to (absolute and objectivistic) truths is 'the commencement and the very basis of democracy' is not only highly plausible but extraordinarily inspiring for those who have not lost hope that philosophy may (still and always) contribute politically and ethically to the fate of our contemporary globalized world. -- Silvia Benso, Rochester Insitute of Technology