Biographical note
Xiangnong Hu received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and is currently a Young Associate Researcher (Assistant Professor) of the School of Philosophy at Fudan University. He has been selected as a member of the Magnolia Talents Program of Shanghai and has been the recipient of several scholarships and academic awards issued by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong SAR Government and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He works principally on Chinese and comparative ethics, with special focus on ancient Confucianism, Zhuangzi, contemporary virtue ethics, and Kant. His writings on these subjects appear in Asian Philosophy, Asian Studies, The Journal of East Asian Philosophy, and Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius.
Yong Huang, Ph.D. in Philosophy (Fudan University) and Th.D. in Religious Studies (Harvard University), is currently the Chairman and Professor of the Department of Philosophy at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is the founding editor-in-chief of Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy and has launched several book series, including Dao Companions to Chinese Philosophy, Encountering Chinese Philosophy, Philosophy from Hong Kong, and the ACPA Series in Chinese and Comparative Philosophy. He has served as the Co-Chair of the Confucian Tradition Group of the American Academy of Religion, the Co-Chair of the University Seminar on Neo-Confucian Studies at Columbia University, and the President of The Association of Chinese Philosophers in America. In addition, he also sits on almost 30 editorial boards of scholarly journals and book series in English and Chinese. With an interest in both philosophy and religious studies and familiar with both Western and Chinese traditions, his research focuses on ethical and political issues from an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective.