C'est un ouvrage convaincant et bien documenté avec une importante bibliographie des plus utiles. Nous aimerions en recommender la lecture parce qu'il ouvre d'intéressantes perspectives á tous les traducteurs, terminologues et linguistes, ainsi qu'au étudiants [...].
- André Clas, Université de Montréal,
Juan Sager’s selective collection of excerpts shows the philosophical roots of contemporary (linguistic) theory of Definition, as well as the intellectual context from which deeply rooted current typologies of definition originated. His eclectic approach raises historically founded questions about the vividness of definitional theory for the philosophy of natural language, cognitive science and pragmatics.
- Paul Sambre, in Pragmatics, March 2001,
The selected texts make for very interesting reading, precisely because they remind us once again of exactly how reductionistic current theoretical views of definitions are in nature once you isolate them from the philosophic traditions from which they have emerged.
- Piet H. Swanepoel, University of South Africa (UNISA), in Lexikos, Vol 13, 2003,
Sager gives the floor to indispensable authors on the debate around definition, and these readings (or rereadings) are not only desirable, they are necessary.
- Jean-Louis Vaxelaire, in Terminology 8:2, 2002,
El libro de Juan C. Sager cubre un vacío histórico que convenía llenar rescatando de los textos orginales de los filósofos las ideas fundamentales que han nutrido y siguen nutriendo la mayoría de los libros léxico, lexicografia, terminologica y semántica.
- M. Teresa Cabre, Universitat Pompeu Fabra,