Credo Credit Crisis provides a timely reminder that concepts such as debt, credit, interest, speculation and money are never just strictly economic phenomenon but abound in metaphysical subtleties and theological niceties. This brilliant volume shows how the dimension of religion is indispensable to understand as well to overcome our current economic crisis.
- Ole Bjerg, Associate Professor at Copenhagen Business School,
Credo Credit Crisis is an important intervention in the wake of the 2008 global recession. We desperately need a better understanding of the deep connections between money and faith, or religion and political economy. The editors have assembled an excellent group of contributors to tackle this urgent topic — highly recommended!
- Clayton Crockett, Professor and Director of Religious Studies, University of Central Arkansas,
Mining this rich semantic seam, these essays offer profound insights into the fiduciary logics that drive - and sometimes disrupt - the movements of money and markets. The authors bring the humanities’ best traditions of speculative thought into contact with speculative times past, present, and future, reimagining political economy through bold experiments in politico-economic theology.
- Paul Crosthwaite, Senior Lecturer in English Literature, University of Edinburgh,