Biographical note
Josef Chytry is Senior Adjunct Professor in Critical Studies at the California College of the Arts and Founding Managing Editor of the Oxford journal Industrial and Corporate Change at the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley. Chytry also regularly teaches philosophy in Stanford University Continuing Studies. Chytry has received an Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral Fellowship in Philosophy at the University of Tübingen. He was awarded a D.Phil. in Politics and History of Ideas at the University of Oxford, a Master of International Affairs at Columbia University, and a Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs with Special Honors at the George Washington University. Chytry’s prior publications include Mountain of Paradise (2013), Unis vers Cythère (2009), and Cytherica (2005). On several occasions Chytry has been listed in Who’s Who in America and has been an Honored Instructor at the University of California Extension Program.