It is not an introductory volume, either on Calvin or the issues being treated. But it does contain tremendous riches for those willing to be stretched.
David Gibson, Theology May/June 2011.
a lucid and genial writer... The intellectual tapestry into which he weaves Calvin is a wide and eclectic one... stirring in the way that theological rigour at its best can be.
Alec Ryrie, Church Times
Helm's analysis of Calvin and the many other theologians who frequent this volume is always engrossing and thought-provoking, and his breadth as well as depth extends the readership of this book well beyond all those interested in Calvin and his milieu. This is a book that will be widely read.
Nigel Voak, Journal of Theological Studies
Rigorous, but immensely rewarding.
Donald Macleod, Expository Times